Russian President Vladimir Putin's Phone, This Is What Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Discussed

JAKARTA - Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin plan to meet in the near future, but no date has yet been set for the meeting.

This was revealed after the two had their first phone call on Monday, July 5 local time, after Bennett was sworn in as Israeli Prime Minister last month.

Israel and Russia have had close ties during the 12-year reign of former Russian Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Putin and Netanyahu are known to have met frequently during this time.

In this first call, the two leaders discussed a number of regional security and political issues. PM Naftali Bennett spoke of his appreciation for Russia's role in maintaining regional stability. As well as, for assistance in matters relating to prisoners and missing persons.

"There is a historical relationship between Russia and the Jewish people," PM Bennett told President Putin, citing the Jerusalem Post, Monday, July 5.

In the same vein, both spoke about the speed at which Jews from Russia immigrated to Israel and the importance Russian Jews played in creating bridges between the two countries.

PM Bennett is also scheduled to meet with US President Joe Biden in Washington this summer. However, as with the planned meeting with President Putin, there is no definite schedule for this meeting.

For information, PM Bennett's relationship with President Putin and President Biden is believed to be a key indicator of his success or failure as prime minister, as well as Israel's relations with Russia and the US.