Defendant Of Raping Biological Child In Banjarmasin Sentenced To Castration

BANJARMASIN - The defendant with the initials AM (46), a resident of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, was sentenced to 20 years in prison and an additional sentence of two years in the form of castration for the rape of his biological child.

"The judge agrees with the demands of the public prosecutor who is sentenced to 20 years in prison and castration for two years," said Head of the General Crime Section of the Banjarmasin District Attorney, Denny Wicaksono, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 5.

Denny said that AM was sentenced to a maximum sentence based on Article 81 paragraph 3 of Law Number 35/2014 with a threat of 20 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the castration sentence imposed is in accordance with Article 5 of PP Number 70/2020 concerning procedures for implementing chemical castration, installing electronic detection devices, rehabilitation and announcement of the identity of perpetrators of sexual violence against children.

"Because the judge has received the verdict, the defendant will later serve his sentence at the Teluk Dalam prison in Banjarmasin," said Denny.

AM, who is suspected of raping his biological child, carried out his lewd act at around 22.00 WITA Tuesday, January 12.

At that time the victim, who was also his own biological child, slept next to AM, who then threatened and raped the victim.

While what is meant by chemical castration is a medical procedure to suppress sexual urges and stop them from reappearing. Chemical castration is done by inserting anti-androgen chemicals into a person's body so that the production of the hormone testosterone in their body is reduced.