Overwhelmed By Explosive COVID-19 Cases, A Number Of Hospitals In Surabaya Close IGD Services

SURABAYA - Dozens of COVID-19 referral hospitals in the city of Surabaya have closed the Emergency Room (IGD) service. This has happened since the last week, along with a surge in COVID-19 cases in the City of Heroes.

"But the closure is only temporary. In other words, the pattern used is the pattern of opening and closing. If there are patients who recover and leave the hospital, new patients can enter," said Chairman of the All Indonesia Hospital Association (PERSI) East Java, Dodo Anondo, confirmed, Monday, July 5th.

There are also several hospitals that have closed ER services, namely RSI Jemursari, RSI Ahmad Yani, RS Royal, and RS Wiyung Sejahtera. Then the PHC Hospital, Adi Husada Undaan Hospital, and Adi Husada Kapasari Hospital, Premiere Hospital, National Hospital, Al Irsyad Hospital, Gotong Royong Hospital, RKZ Hospital, and William Booth Hospital.

According to Dodo, the emergency room service was closed because there were too many patients, especially COVID-19 patients, so that the hospital was overwhelmed. According to Dodo, the closure of the emergency room is to protect the health workers (nakes) who work, as well as to keep hospital services optimal.

"The closure is also to protect health workers, because the number of health workers is limited and currently many are exposed," he said.

Confirming this matter, the Director of the William Booth Hospital, TB Rijanto, in his letter to the Surabaya City Health Office (Dinkes) said that William Booth Hospital had closed ER services since June 29, 2021.

"The emergency room service was closed due to the large number of Covid-19 patients being treated. Emergency room services were almost paralyzed, while health personnel were limited," said Rijanto.

Rijanto said that 24 health workers at the William Booth Hospital in Surabaya had been exposed to Covid-19 since June 28, 2021. A total of 15 health workers were being treated at the William Booth Hospital, while the rest were self-isolating. "They had to be treated in the emergency room because the isolation room was full," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of Medical and Nursing Services at RSI Jemursari, Dyah Yuniati, said the patient beds at RSI Jemursari were full of COVID-19 patients.

"There are a total of 130 beds that are all full, of which in the ER alone there are still 16 patients who have not got a room. We are closing the ER so that service is maximum," said Dyah.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Surabaya was recorded at 25,672 cases as of Sunday, July 4, 2021. On that same day, 23,513 confirmed cases recovered, 1,409 patients died, and 750 patients were still being treated at referral hospitals.