LP3ES Explains Three Evidences Of The State Failing To Protect Its People From COVID-19

JAKARTA - Researcher Institute for Economic and Social Research, Education and Information (LP3ES) Herlambang Wiratraman said the government failed to protect the people from the surge in COVID-19.

Herlambang said, there are three facts that prove the failure. First, the surge in cases and the ongoing increase in COVID-19 deaths. Plus, with the outbreak of a new variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

"The number of daily cases these days has increased sharply, accompanied by the reality of a high death rate. This is not unwarranted by many parties. This has been warned by many parties, urging even to lock down or pull the emergency brake from experts and figures," said Herlambang in a statement. virtual discussion, Monday, July 5th.

Second, current health care facilities, according to Herlambang, can be said to have collapsed or collapsed. Many hospital admissions today are no longer able to accept COVID-19 patients, so rejections occur everywhere.

As a result, said Herlambang, many COVID-19 patients whose health conditions are getting worse due to not receiving health services. In fact, not a few people who tested positive for COVID-19 died.

"Many people who should have received special isolation room services, but did not get access. So, it is not surprising that we suddenly found the fact, based on data from LaporCovid-19, 265 self-isolated patients died," said Herlambang.

The third fact is the failure of the state to protect the people is the high number of health workers who are exposed and die. The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) noted that as of 27 June, 405 doctors had died.

"The numbers have really increased sharply. As of June 1 to 27, 31 people have increased. So in a month, there are 31 more people. The report from the Indonesian National Nurses Association also stated that as of June 28, 326 nurses had died," said Herlambang.

"So, these three facts alone are actually more than enough to say the state failed to protect its people," he continued.

Herlambang also revealed 5 reasons why the state failed to protect its people from the surge in COVID-19 cases. First, the state failed because the government neglected and did not anticipate the new variant of COVID-19.

"Actually we already have experience, knowledge, on how to prevent new variants. Access can be blocked or foreign travel is temporarily suspended, or closed. But instead of closing, there is promotion (tourism)," he said.

Second, the government is slow to take the actions that should be taken. such as pressure to apply the emergency brake or lockdown.

Third, the government is more oriented towards economic considerations than the safety of citizens, health workers, or strengthening health facilities and public services.

Fourth, the government is more busy denying the failure that occurred. "What exists is actually reproducing policies that are counterproductive. The narrative and legal politics actually negate the most basic things in handling the pandemic," said Herlambang.

Fifth, the government is not serious in making systematic efforts to handle the pandemic in the form of testing, tracing, and treatment (3T).

"The five reasons explain why the state failed to save its people and this pandemic is actually not only testing the health care system, but the country's system is also being tested, including testing whether the state is present or not, especially in carrying out the constitutional mandate," he added.