Anticipating Scarcity Of COVID-19 Antibiotic Drugs, Police Supervise Online Sales

JAKARTA - The National Police confirmed that they would monitor the trade in drugs, especially the types of COVID-19 antibiotics, which were conducted online. This supervision is to anticipate availability and price games.

"The National Police is monitoring the buying and selling activities of antibiotics at online sellers," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Monday, July 5.

Supervision is not only for online traders. Because, the Police will also go directly to factories and distributors.

This way, said Argo, prevents hoarding. It is undeniable that the availability of drugs is needed by the community.

"Today, monitoring is also underway at drug factories, including their distribution channels," said Argo.

In fact, the National Police have also stated that they will take action against anyone who plays in the availability of drugs. Public health is a priority to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Anyone who violates will be dealt with immediately," said Argo.

Previously, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered his staff to take firm action against entrepreneurs who stockpiled drugs and medical devices during the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, confirmed the order. The order was stated in the Telegram Letter numbered ST/173/VII/HUK/7.1./2021 dated July 3, 2021.

"It's true, the National Police fully supports the implementation of the Java-Bali PPKM from July 3 to 20," Komjen Agus told reporters on Sunday, July 4.

The emergence of the order, continued Agus, aims to ensure that all medicines and medical equipment are available. So, there is no turmoil that only has a bad impact on society.

"Strict law enforcement against actions that hinder all government efforts in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak," he said.