The Deteriorating Relations Between Mega-SBY In The First Presidential Election In Today's History, 5 July 2004

JAKARTA - On July 5, 2004, Indonesia held a general election (election). This election is not the first time it has been held. However, that day's election was the first time that the Indonesian people could directly elect the president and vice president (pilpres).

It can be said that the 2004 election was a milestone in the history of Indonesia's democracy after the Reformation. Previously, the president and vice president were elected by the DPR/MPR and the Indonesian people never had the opportunity to elect their leaders directly.

In addition, in 1999 the presidential and vice presidential elections were held separately. The 2004 presidential election took place under the guidelines of Law 23/2003 concerning the General Election of the President and Vice President. The 2004 presidential election was held in two rounds and became part of the 2004 general election series.

2004 was a busiest year for the KPU. They must hold three elections, namely the election for members of the DPR, DPD, and DPRD, the first round of presidential-vice presidential elections, and the second round of presidential-vice-presidential elections.

2004 Election Pair

To quote Detik, the 2004 presidential election was followed by five pairs. They are Wiranto-Salahuddin Wahid, Megawati Soekarnoputri-Ahmad Hasyim Muzadi, Amien Rais-Siswono Yudo Husodo, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)-Jusuf Kalla (JK) and Hamzah Haz-Agum Gumelar.

SBY-JK won the first round with 33.58 percent of the vote or 36,070,622. The second is Megawati-Hasyim with 28,186,780 votes or 26.24 percent. The second round of elections had to be held because neither pair won 50 percent of the vote.

List of 2004 Election pairs (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

The second round of elections was held on 20 September 2004 and was contested by the two pairs with the top votes. In the second round, SBY-JK won a landslide victory with 69,266,350 votes or 60.62 percent while Megawati-Hasyim got 44,990,704 votes or 39.38 percent.

From the side of the Legislative Election, the Democrat Party has achieved success. As a new party, the Democrats managed to get 8,455,225 votes or 7.45 percent of the total 113,462,414 valid votes. Meanwhile, positions 1-4 are occupied by the old parties, namely the Work Group, PDI-P, PKB, and PPP.

Mega-SBY cold relationship

Another story from the 2004 presidential election is the cooling of relations between Megawati Soekarnoputri and SBY. The cold relationship between the two began to appear at the end of 2003, when SBY decided to run in the 2004 presidential election.

This means that SBY will compete with Megawati. At that time SBY was still serving as Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Menkopolkam) under Megawati's presidency.

Citing CNN, Megawati was disappointed. For him, SBY should resign from the position of Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs. The situation got even worse when the Secretary of the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Sudi Silalahi, expressed his complaint that SBY was not invited to a cabinet meeting.

Sudi expressed the feeling of SBY who felt ostracized by the Palace. After SBY won the presidential election and became president-elect, PDIP DPP chairman Roy BB Janis said Megawati had given SBY formal congratulations.

However, Megawati was not present at the inauguration of SBY-JK, even when MPR Chair Hidayat Nur Wahid and Constitutional Court Chief Justice Jimly Asshiddiqie persuaded Megawati to attend on October 20, 2004.

Megawati firmly did not come. The PDI-P camp continues to argue that there is no constitutional rule that requires the previous president to attend the inauguration of the new president.

The cold relationship between Megawati and SBY was acknowledged by the parties involved. In July 2018, SBY clearly explained that his efforts to improve relations with Megawati had never been successful.

"My relationship with Megawati, I have to be honest, has not recovered. There is still a distance," said SBY at his residence in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta.

"I will try to establish communication for ten years," added SBY.

Their relationship was again highlighted when Megawati attended the funeral of SBY's wife, Ani Yudhoyono, who died of blood cancer. Megawati seemed to shake hands with SBY.

On that day, SBY faintly thanked him in the midst of the urging of the mourners. At that time Megawati was present at Kalibata TMP accompanied by her children, Puan Maharani and Pramono Anung.

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