Government Has Not Paid Arrears Of Rp140 Billion For Independent Insulation Fees, Hotel Entrepreneurs: Please Disburse Immediately

JAKARTA - The government has not paid the arrears of the cost of self-isolation of COVID-19 patients to hoteliers. The chairman of the Jakarta Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) BPD, Sutrisno Iwantono, said the government was in arrears for self-isolation fees at hotels of Rp.

Furthermore, Sutrisno said that his party really hopes that the arrears can be paid off soon. Because the cash flow or cash flow of hoteliers is critical.

"According to reports from friends, Rp140 billion for a number of hotels, this is from February to July 2021. Please disburse this immediately, because it's a huge cash flow," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, July 5. .

Sutrisno said hoteliers who had not yet received payment had requested assistance from the DKI Jakarta BPD PHRI, namely to facilitate communication with BNPB regarding the delay in 9 batches of payment for accommodation costs for medical personnel and asymptomatic people (OTG) initiated by BNPB.

Furthermore, he hopes that hotels that work with the government to provide accommodation for medical personnel and isolation for OTG are expanded. He asked the government to provide opportunities to other hotels in turn.

"So the hotels that have not received you so far should be included, all of them get a share because all of them are also experiencing difficulties. Of course later there will be things that are always said because it is difficult from the health system side and so on, I think that can be discussed," he explained.

Sutrisno said that hotel and restaurant employees are threatened with termination of employment (PHK) due to the imposition of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). Because, these conditions are not profitable for the hotel and restaurant business.

In fact, said Sutrisno, Emergency PPKM has an impact on decreasing the occupancy rate of non-quarantine hotels (OTG, Isoman, repatriation) and from the current average of 20 to 40 percent to 10 to 15 percent.