Appreciating The Handling Of The COVID-19 Pandemic, Queen Elizabeth II Gives George Cross To The NHS

JAKARTA - Queen Elizabeth II has bestowed the George Cross, the UK's second highest honor, on the UK's National Health Service (NHS) in recognition of 73 years of specialized service, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The award, given for heroism or bravery during this time of extreme danger, has only been given collectively twice before, and only once by the Queen of England.

Quoting The Guardian, Monday 5 July In a personal handwritten message, Queen Elizabeth II wrote: “It is with great pleasure, on behalf of a grateful nation, that I present the George Cross to the UK's National Health Service.

"This award recognizes all NHS staff, past and present, across all disciplines and all four countries. For more than seven decades, and especially recently, you have supported the people of our country with courage, compassion and dedication, demonstrating the highest standards of public service. You have our eternal thanks and heartfelt appreciation. Elizabeth R," wrote Queen Elizabeth II

British NHS illustration. (Wikimedia Commons/DFID - UK Department for International Development)

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the award was a symbol of the nation's gratitude.

"NHS staff have cared for us and our friends and family on the front lines of the pandemic for more than a year, and I have witnessed their courage firsthand," said PM Johnson, who underwent intensive care by the NHS when he contracted COVID-19 last year. .

"I know the whole of the UK supports me in paying my respects and thanking you for all that the NHS has done for us, not just in the last year, but since the beginning."

The NHS was founded in 1948 as a center for social reform after World War II, with a mission to provide state-funded comprehensive universal health care.

Appreciation for the UK NHS. (Wikimedia Commons/Kolforn)

Separately, NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens said the award recognized the skill, compassion and resilience of staff across services in responding to the worst pandemic in a century.

"From those dark times have come the best of what it means to be a carer and a healthcare professional," he said.

"In the face of adversity, we've seen tremendous teamwork, not only across the NHS but involving hundreds of thousands of volunteers, millions of carers, key workers and the British public who have played an indispensable role in helping healthcare services to look after the hundreds of thousands of patients who are in need. seriously ill with the coronavirus," Stevens said.

To note, the George Cross was first given collectively to the people of Malta on April 15, 1942 by Queen Elizabeth's father, King George VI.

On 23 November 1999, Queen Elizabeth II bestowed this award on the Royal Ulster Constabulary (Northern Irish Police) which was established from 1922 to 2001.