Vivo Patent Makes Phones With Flying Cameras Sticking Out

JAKARTA - Nowadays, many smartphone users prioritize the photography capabilities of their devices. This has led to China-based mobile phone manufacturer Vivo reportedly making a phone with a camera that can fly.

One thing that a high-end smartphone will never be able to do is take photos from the air. Especially if without the help of drones or other flying tools. Vivo's latest patent shows a smartphone housing a quadcopter drone to take pictures from above.

The camera contained in the patent image looks like it can be removed from the smartphone, then it can fly into the air to take photos from various angles. It is known, the patent was first reported by LetsGoDigital.

Vivo made a patent on the camera technology it developed.

A patent called “Electronic device” was filed in December 2020 for Vivo Mobile Communication with the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO). The 20-page documentation was released early July 1, 2021.

In terms of design, the patent looks like a normal smartphone. At the bottom, there is an additional compartment that contains a hidden camera system with dual cameras, three infrared proximity sensors, four propellers and an extra battery. The camera system is completely detachable.

One of the cameras is facing forward while the other is facing up. The infrared sensor faces the three cardinal directions and is most likely used for obstacle avoidance and navigation.

The camera system can then fly into the air, thanks to the propellers being able to take pictures from a greater distance. With infrared sensors, the distance to other objects can be calculated to avoid collisions during flight.

When in the air, the camera is able to change position to maintain more flexibility when shooting. Not to forget, Vivo has also embedded a fingerprint sensor for its security system.

However, the patent does not say whether the drone's camera system can be used when attached to a cellphone. Even so, it's just a patent with no guarantee to be made into an actual product, but the idea is still interesting and innovative.

No one knows the future of smartphone and drone technology. This might be a product that makes more sense and is worth considering. Unfortunately, this Vivo idea is not entirely new. In 2018, Samsung's display device is also rumored to be equipped with four propellers to fly. But so far it has not materialized. Thus quoted from Slashgear, Monday, July 5th.