DPR Asks Kominfo To Be More Proactive In Filtering Information About COVID-19

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI Yan Permenas Mandenas, asked the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) to be more pro-active and synergize with the COVID-19 Task Force or other task forces, to filter information on the development of the spread of the pandemic and new variants on an ongoing basis based on laboratory data with classifications. disease.

This is to prevent speculation of media opinion being disseminated to the public without going through official government sources.
"I ask the Minister of Communication and Information (Johnny G. Plate) and his staff to play a more active role as the main source of official government information on the development of the pandemic and new variants through an actual, measurable verification process related to various information on the COVID-19 pandemic," Yan said, Monday. , July 5th.

The Gerindra politician hopes that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics can implement reporting mechanisms and systems in all print, electronic and social media which will encourage the public to be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

As well as actively participating in vaccination programs as an effort by the Government to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic or new variants.

"We will be able to get through difficult times in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that is hitting globally," said the Papuan legislator.