LaNyalla Asks Religious Leaders To Play A Role In Raising Public Awareness Comply With Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - One of the points of the Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) is the temporary closure of places of worship, such as mosques, churches, temples, and other places of worship.

For this reason, the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, hopes that religious leaders will play a role in inviting congregations and the public to comply with the policy.

"We hope that religious leaders invite their congregations or followers to comply with the government's policy. This decision is a form of religious concern in its role in helping to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19 which is getting out of control," said LaNyalla, Sunday (4/7/2021). .

The current spread of Covid-19 is indeed worrying. Until Saturday (3/7/2021), the daily cases of Covid-19 in the country increased by 27,913. Overall, Indonesia's Covid-19 cases have reached 2,256,851.

To support prevention efforts, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in the MUI taushiyah Number: Kep -1368/DP-MUI/VI/2021, which was signed by the General Chairperson of MUI KH Miftachul Akhyar and the Secretary General of MUI Buya Amirsyah Tambunan, and circulated Friday (2/02). 7/2021), requested that mass worship activities in mosques be temporarily suspended until the situation and conditions are completely under control.

"In any situation, religion must be present to create a sense of security and peace for mankind. Especially in the midst of the increasing Covid-19 situation like now," said LaNyalla.

The temporary closure of the house of worship, continued the former chairman of PSSI, shows that religion plays a role in saving humanity. Because the closure aims to prevent the public from the epidemic.

"I ask the public not to be provoked by this policy. Because not only places of worship are closed but also shopping centers such as malls and restaurants, as well as tourist attractions," he said again.

LaNyalla invites people to think away from harm and prioritize the principle of benefit. "For example, if it triggers a crowd and it is difficult to implement social distancing in small mosques or mosques, of course, to avoid harm, it is better to close temporarily. Except for large and spacious mosques that can regulate the distance and capacity of worshipers," he said.

LaNyalla appealed and invited religious leaders to support each other and remind the real dangers of Covid-19. All parties so as not to turn a blind eye to the victims who continue to fall.

"What does it mean, religion must be the center of a logical way of thinking through maximum efforts in addition to praying. Religious figures and leaders have an important role in raising public awareness to comply with PPKM policies in order to quickly reduce the spread of the virus," said the alumnus of Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

LaNyalla added, Worship during this pandemic can still be carried out at home with family. This is at the same time a momentum in making the family the basis for the formation of a religious way of thinking that upholds the benefit.

“The current situation is the right moment to invite families to think that religion can bring benefits. Both the benefit of individuals, families, communities, to the national benefit," he said.

Religious leaders, LaNyalla said, could use places of worship as a locomotive to raise public awareness about the importance of a joint movement against Covid-19.

"Among others, the implementation of health protocol discipline, such as wearing masks, maintaining distance between worshipers, bringing their own worship tools, temperature tests and others," he said.

LaNyalla also wants places of worship to be pioneers in the birth of community solidarity to take care of and help each other. For example, it is used to coordinate donations to neighborhoods affected by Covid-19.

“Yes, through mosques, churches and other places of worship, we encourage the spirit of helping each other to meet basic needs for the less fortunate. Especially for families or individuals who are self-isolating in their respective homes," he said.

LaNyalla did not forget to invite the public to continue to draw closer to Allah the Creator. Continue to increase faith, piety, sincerity and pray so that the Covid-19 pandemic is immediately removed from the face of this earth.