Note, Taiwan Categorizes Indonesia As A High-Risk Country For COVID-19

JAKARTA - After Hong Kong, now it's Taiwan's turn to include Indonesia as a high-risk country for COVID-19. The Taiwan Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said that in this category, Indonesia along with Brazil, India, Britain, Peru, and Israel.

There was no further explanation from the relevant authorities regarding whether or not there was a ban on entry from countries that were included in the high risk category.

The CECC only issued a policy that everyone who came from abroad was required to undergo a swab test twice before and after the quarantine which took effect from Friday 2 July.

The policy was taken amid the emergence of cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 among local residents in Pingtung County, CECC head Chen Shih Chung was quoted as saying by Taiwan News Agency CNA, Sunday, July 4.

In addition to swab tests, the CECC also requires rapid tests on the 10th and 12th day of quarantine. Local health authorities also set the cost of quarantine in a designated place at 2,000 Taiwan dollars, or around Rp. 1 million per day. This was reported by Antara.

Previously, Hong Kong had also designated Indonesia as an A-1 status country. With this status, Hong Kong banned flights from Indonesia.

In Taiwan there are at least 290,000 Indonesian migrant workers, while in Hong Kong there are around 175,000 PMI.

Taiwan certainly has its own policies to protect its citizens from being exposed to COVID-19. Including preventing the entry of people from several countries that are considered at risk, such as Indonesia.