Dozens Of Residents Netted In Emergency PPKM Raid, Sentenced To Street Sweeping To Push-ups

PURWAKARTA - Dozens of residents of Purwakarta Regency, West Java, were caught in the operation to justify the health protocol on the first day of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"Those who were caught were because they didn't wear masks during the health promotion justice operation in urban areas, precisely on Jalan Kolonel Rahmat, Citalang Village, Purwakarta Kota District," said Head of Public Protection Satpol PP Fery Heryana, quoted by Antara, Saturday, July 3.

The presence of residents who do not wear masks indicates that there are still residents who are indifferent to the spread of COVID-19.

In the future, his party will continue to carry out judicial operations, both in urban areas and in rural areas.

According to him, for people who are found not to comply with the rules in implementing the Emergency PPKM, they will be given social sanctions by sweeping the streets and physical sanctions in the form of push-ups.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Purwakarta, Anne Ratna Mustika, admitted that currently the community has not fully implemented the Emergency PPKM rules.

The Regent admitted that he would continue to carry out socialization and education regarding the Emergency PPKM, which essentially limits the mobility of the community.