Just Returned Between COVID-19 Patients, Ambulance Car Officers In Bengkulu Were Robbed

REJANG LEBONG - The Rejang Lebong Police Team, Bengkulu, is looking for seven perpetrators of the robbery of PSC ambulance officers in the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road area.

Padang Ulak Tanding Police Chief (PUT) Iptu Tomy Sahri said the PSC 119 ambulance officer of the Rejang Lebong Health Office was the victim of a robbery by seven perpetrators, to be exact in the village of Chief Curup, District Binduriang.

The robbery, he said, was experienced by two of the victims, namely Muhammad Abdul Kunci as a driver and Indah Permata as a nurse.

The incident occurred after the PSC BD 9177 KY ambulance had a tire burst after returning the COVID-19 patient to Ar Bunda Hospital, Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra, at around 01.00 WIB, Saturday, July 3 in the morning.

"Both of them have reported to the PUT Sector Police, and at this time we are still pursuing the seven suspected perpetrators," said Iptu Tomy Sahri, quoted by Antara.

He explained that as a result of the incident, the victim lost 2 mobile phones, Rp. 150,000 in cash, which was used for food and medical equipment.

Meanwhile, Head of PSC 119 of the Rejang Lebong Health Office, Yudi Ardiansyah, said that as a result of the incident, his two staff members were in shock because they had been threatened with sharp weapons.

"When the driver was changing tires, seven people came who pretended to offer help, a moment later the driver was pointed at with a sharp weapon, as well as on the other side the other perpetrators had pointed sharp weapons at the nurse and took their belongings," he explained.

According to him, the PSC ambulance itself had just returned home to take the confirmed positive COVID-19 patient from the Bangun Jaya Health Center, Bermani Ulu Raya District to the AR Bunda Hospital in Lubuklinggau City.

"We hope that the perpetrators can be arrested soon so that Rejang Lebong can be safe. The Rejang Lebong Police itself has also given guarantees to us, will later provide escort to ambulances passing through the area at night," he added.