Good News From PLN, They Guarantee Safe Electricity Supply During The Java-Bali Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - The State Electricity Company (Persero) or PLN guarantees the adequacy of safe electricity supply during the implementation of the emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM) from 3 to 20 July 2021 in Java Bali.

PLN's Java, Madura and Bali Regional Business Director Haryanto WS that PLN is aware that in an Emergency PPKM condition, people are required to stay at home, so the presence of electricity is very important.

"In terms of the reliability of electrical power, PLN ensures that supplies in Java, Madura and Bali are in a safe condition," he said in a written statement, quoted on Saturday, July 3.

Currently, said Haryanto, the Java-Bali electricity system has a power capable of reaching 37,400 megawatts (MW) with a peak load of around 27,335 MW, there is a power reserve of around 10,065 MW.

To ensure the supply of electric power, Haryanto said PLN employees who work in critical sections, such as dispatchers, operators, maintenance, handling disturbances, the Working Under Voltage (PDKB) team, call centers, security, project implementers and supervisors in the field, will continue to work. as usual.

"But still by running the CPVID-19 health protocol," he said.

Furthermore, Haryanto said to guard the reliability of electricity, nationally PLN has alerted 70,516 personnel during the standby period of increasing COVID-19 cases.

Meanwhile, to ensure that electricity supply is maintained during PPKM, said Haryanto, PLN has prepared 23,934 special personnel in Java-Madura-Bali.

"If you need PLN services, people can take advantage of the PLN Mobile application available on the PlayStore or AppStore, ranging from adding power, paying bills or purchasing electricity tokens, recording independent meters, to customer complaint services," he explained.