DPR Member Rejects GeNose Withdrawn From Circulation, Alludes To Trade War

JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission VII, Mulyanto, rejected the withdrawal of the GeNose test kit from circulation because it was unreasonable and allegedly related to the trade war.

"This test tool can serve fast detection of COVID-19 for the community at an affordable price. Moreover, GeNose is a product of the nation's technological innovations. Research results from our national university R&D institute," said Mulyanto, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 2.

Mulyanto reminded that GeNose has many advantages, namely it is effective, fast, practical, can test massively and is cheap.

He suspects that there is a trade war between drug and medical device business players in the country, so that a discourse like this appears.

"Indeed, we cannot deny that there is a trade war between our drug and medical device businesses. This is normal. Because the spirit of business is like that, namely seeking as much profit as possible with the least cost," said Mulyanto.

According to him, business ethics in Indonesia must continue to be upheld in order to grow economic justice and strengthen the production of quality children of the nation in the domestic market.

Mulyanto emphasized that Indonesia should not depend on foreign products because it is dangerous for national economic resilience. "That's why I support this GeNose," said Mulyanto.

According to Mulyanto, scientifically and legally, GeNose's track record is very good.

First, the tool is the result of research and innovation developed by UGM researchers who are included in the coordination of the COVID-19 Research Consortium, under the Ministry of Research and Technology, which has now been moved to be under BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency).

Second, it has been proven that the results are effective and safe in the rapid detection of COVID-19, so that GeNose has received a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health in the category of medical devices.

Third, when it was brought to the market, it got a good reception from the community.

"GeNose's scientific and legal basis is very strong. So, if there is a proposal to withdraw GeNose from the market, then there must be strong empirical scientific evidence regarding the safety and effectiveness of this tool. Not just based on rumors," he said.