62 Health Workers In Batu City Exposed To COVID-19

BATU - A total of 62 health workers in the Batu City area, East Java, were reported positive in recent weeks, along with the increase in COVID-19 cases.

The head of the Batu City Communication and Information Office, Ony Ardianto, said that of the 62 health workers who were exposed to COVID-19, 53 were health workers who served in five health centers in the area.

"The nine health workers work at the Batu City Health Office, and 53 others at the puskesmas. In total as of Thursday (1/7) there were 62 health workers (exposed to COVID-19)," said Ony, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 2 .

For information, last week it was reported that there were approximately 31 health workers in Batu City who were confirmed to have contracted the virus which first broke out in Wuhan, China.

This week, there were additional confirmed cases in the health care environment, where a total of 62 people were exposed to COVID-19. Of the 62 people who have been exposed to COVID-19, most are self-isolating.

In addition, Ony said as many as 11 health workers were undergoing treatment at the COVID-19 handling shelter in Batu City. Two other health workers are being treated in hospital.

"If the house does not meet the requirements for self-isolation, it will undergo self-isolation in the COVID-19 handling shelter. The requirements for self-isolation are at least two bathrooms," he said.

Broadly speaking, the addition of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Batu City area came from the spread of COVID-19 in the family environment. The Batu City Government continues to strengthen efforts to track the spread of COVID-19.

To date, overall in the region, there have been 1,663 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19. Of the total, 1,447 people were reported to have recovered, 150 people were declared dead, and the rest were under treatment.