Entry Requirements To Jakarta: Must Have SIKM

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan emphasized that people who will enter their area after going home on Idul Fitri will be difficult to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

Moreover, the findings of the Faculty of Public Health (FKM), University of Indonesia, stated that the reproduction number or the number of COVID-19 transmission in Jakarta has continued to decline since last March until it reached number 1.

"If you plan to go to Jakarta and don't have any provisions, then postpone your departure. Because if you insist, you will have difficulties on your trip," Anies said in a press conference broadcast on BNPB's YouTube account, Monday, May 25.

He also said he would carry out strict surveillance at a number of points in and out of Jakarta and the border. Those who do not have an exit-entry permit (SIKM) will not be allowed to cross and will be asked to return to their place of origin.

Those who have SIKM are also ensured that workers or people working in 11 sectors are allowed to continue their activities during the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), namely the health, food, energy, communications, finance, logistics, construction, hospitality and industrial sectors. strategic.

This policy, he said, must be taken so that the hard work of millions of people in Jakarta and its surrounding areas is not disturbed by those who carry viruses from other areas after going home and have the potential to cause new waves.

"If all this happens, then all of us in Jakarta will suffer. That is why we firmly say that we should not force it if we do not have all the existing provisions," he said.

To ensure that the number of travelers returning in the midst of a pandemic is suppressed, Anies said that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will continue to cooperate with the TNI and Polri to guard the border. He said, there were 10 border points for inspection.

"We want to make sure this COVID-19 is complete. Once again, this is not for the benefit of anything except to protect the Capital City from the potential second wave of COVID-19," he said.

The travelers cannot enter Jakarta carelessly (VOI production team)

Previously, until Sunday, May 24, 5,247 applications for SIKM had been received by the Jakarta Capital Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) Office.

Of these, 635 applications are still waiting to be validated by the guarantor or the person in charge; 3,493 applications were rejected; and 820 applications were declared to have met the requirements so that SIKM could be issued electronically.

According to the Head of DKI Jakarta DPMPTSP Benni Aguschandra, the rejected application occurred because the applicant did not meet substantial needs such as only wanting to visit their family's house and hold a reunion.

"66.6 percent of our total SIKM applications were rejected or not approved because they generally did not meet substantial provisions," said Benni.

See Pergub 47/2020 regarding restrictions in and out of Jakarta

It is known, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is getting serious about reducing the number of COVID-19 spread. Most recently, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 47 of 2020 concerning Limiting Travel Activities Out and / or Entering the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province in Efforts to Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

For residents outside DKI Jakarta or non-Jabodetabek residents who are traveling and want to enter the Jakarta area, these residents will be asked to return to their area of origin according to their KTP. This is in Article 4 paragraph 2b which reads:

"If coming from outside the DKI Jakarta Province, they are directed to return to the place of origin of their trip or be quarantined for 14 (fourteen) days at the place designated by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 at the Provincial level and / or at the City / Regency Administration level," the article reads. the.

As for those who have a Jabodetabek ID card and have just returned from their hometown, based on Article 4 paragraph 2a will be directed to return to their home or place of residence.

Because, based on Article 4 paragraph 3, this prohibition does not apply to business actors who have a Jabodetabek electronic ID card and foreigners who have a KTP or permanent or temporary residence permit in Jabodetabek.

Then what if the residents do not have a Jabodetabek ID card but want to enter DKI Jakarta?

In this Pergub, it is stipulated that residents with non-Jabodetabek ID cards can return to Jakarta by showing their SIKM or Entry-Entry Permit. In Article 7 paragraph 1 it is explained that every person or business actor whose job or reason is an emergency will enter the DKI Jakarta area must have this letter.

Meanwhile, Article 7 paragraph 2 states that the requirements to have this SIKM are by filling out an online application form via corona.jakarta.go.id. In addition, the applicant must complete the requirements, such as having a DKI Jakarta electronic KTP or DKI Jakarta Family Card, but domiciled outside Jabodetabek; for foreigners who have e-KTP / permanent residence permit; and have a health declaration with a duty stamp.

If the resident citizen does not also have an electronic ID card for DKI Jakarta, the requirements that must be completed are a certificate from the sub-district or village where the trip originated, a stamped health statement, and a stamped guarantee letter from a family residing in DKI Jakarta or the head of the local RT or letter of guarantee. from the company.

In addition, applicants traveling for official travel are expected to attach a certificate from their workplace in Jakarta. Meanwhile, applicants with reasons of emergency must attach a domicile certificate of residence from the urban village in DKI Jakarta Province.

If the requirements are complete, then the next step will be the Jakarta Capital Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP), which will immediately issue an electronic SIKM in the form of a QR-code.

This issue usually takes one day from the time the applicant's required documents are declared complete and only valid for one applicant. For children who do not have an electronic KTP, the SIKM will be issued following their parents or other family members.

Meanwhile, based on Article 8 of the Pergub, anyone who does not have SIKM will be directed to the place of origin of the trip or will carry out a 14-day quarantine at the place designated by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 at the provincial level or at the administrative city / regency level.