COVID Explodes, Sri Mulyani Increases Health Budget To IDR 185 Trillion

JAKARTA –l- The increase in COVID-19 cases which has reached 24,000 per day has forced the government to increase the health budget included in the National Economic Recovery (PEN) scheme from the previous Rp172.84 trillion to Rp185.98 trillion.

"Health care is the government's highest priority in the PEN scheme," he said at an online press conference, July 2.

In detail, the funds will be distributed in six important matters, namely, vaccination of Rp. 58 trillion, diagnostic (testing and tracing) of Rp. 4.08 trillion, treatment of Rp. 59.1 trillion, and health tax incentives of Rp. 20.85 trillion.

Then, other health care in the area of Rp. 35.4 trillion, as well as other health sectors (laboratory, communications, BNPB) of Rp. 8.9 trillion.

"This health treatment will also accelerate the vaccination program, accelerate the payment of incentives for health workers (health workers), and claims for treatment," he said.

For information, PEN funds in the 2021 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) are set at Rp. 699.43 trillion which is distributed to five strategic sectors, namely health of Rp. 172.84 trillion (to Rp. 185.98 trillion), support for MSMEs and cooperatives of Rp. 184.8. trillion, priority programs Rp. 122.4 trillion.

Then, the intensive business world is Rp. 58.4 trillion, and the last is social protection of Rp. 157.4 trillion.