Scientists Develop Hiccup Medicine Inspired By McFlurry Straws, Proven Effective!

JAKARTA - All humans have had hiccups. And if you've ever experienced it, of course you understand very well how uncomfortable this condition can be. Not infrequently, shame also arises when experiencing it in the middle of the crowd – when the sound of hiccups invites the attention and gaze of those around you.

Indeed, there are already several techniques that are said to be effective in dealing with this condition. Starting from holding your breath, drinking a glass of water while bending down, or even standing in an inverted position – legs down with hands supporting the body.

However, for some people, the above methods often fail. Even though they have tried many times, the hiccups can still be heard. And fortunately, this uncomfortable situation will soon be resolved quickly.

Scientists from the University of Texas Health Science Center have found the most effective way to cure hiccups. In fact, based on scientific trials, it can last just an instant! Uniquely, this finding was inspired by the McFlurry suction. Yes, a straw with a unique shape, you know.

Simple, But Effective

The findings were presented by Dr. Ali Seifi – an intensive care specialist at the university. Dr. Ali revealed that the inspiration for the drug he found came from watching the child suck the straw that is usually used at dinner.

It should be noted, the McFlurry straw, which you will usually get when you buy ice cream at McD, is not an ordinary straw. There is a spoon with a hole located at the end. And Dr. Ali noticed how his son was trying to suck the ice cream through the hole – which made him suck even harder because the hole was so small.

From these activities, Dr. Ali found that the harder the suction, the harder the diaphragm contracts. And the action of the child bears an idea for the father. Dr. Seifi got the idea to make an L-shaped straw called HiccAway – with a shape that looks like a McFlurry straw!

More specs, using HiccAway requires the user to suck hard liquid to get through the hole in it. Later, the suction will make the stomach descend and the epiglottis (the cartilage located in the back of the tongue) closes.

Furthermore, this action will stimulate two nerves in charge of controlling the diaphragm and breathing mechanism. These are the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve. These two nerves will trigger the brain to reset itself, ending the hiccups.

In his research, which involved 203 participants, more than 90% of HiccAway users reported that the tool was quite effective in dealing with the problem of hiccups. by Dr. Ali, HiccAway were sold at a price of 14 US dollars. Pretty cheap for a reusable solution, right?