National Police Chief Explains Police Performance Achievements On 75th Bhayangkara Day, Level Of Trust Increases

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the momentum of Bhayangkara Day was the right time to look back at the achievements of the Police. Police keep getting better.

"Thank God, the results are very giving energy and enthusiasm to continue to change for the better because there is an increase in trust in the Police," said Sigit in a written statement, Thursday, June 1.

The good results, said Sigit, are based on the results of a survey conducted by several credible national survey institutions in 2021.

In the survey agency Alvara Strategis Indonesia, the level of confidence in the National Police is 86.5 percent, an increase from the previous year (a survey from Litbang Kompas is 70.8 percent). Meanwhile, the level of satisfaction with the National Police was 82.3 percent, an increase from the previous year (a survey from Alvara Strategies Indonesia was 78.8 percent).

In the Indonesian Charta Politica institution, the National Police is ranked third as the highest performing state institution (in 2018 to 2019 the National Police was ranked fourth).

Then ranked first as the best performing law enforcement agency (an increase from the previous year, which was ranked third). According to the Cyrus Network, the National Police is ranked first as a law enforcement agency that is trusted by the public, getting a score of 86.2 percent, an increase from the previous year (a survey from R&D Kompas, at 70.8 percent).

In the National Police Research and Development, there is an increase in the Public Trust Index (IKM) towards the National Police in 2021 to 83.14 percent which is the highest IKM since 2015. "The increase in satisfaction with the performance and trust in the Police is the hard work of all members of the Police. We must be grateful together and encourage the Police to be better in providing services to the community," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief emphasized that the achievements of the National Police so far are not the final goal, but the initial foundation in the sustainability of the Transformation Towards a Precise Police program.

"In the future, we will continue to be consistent and improve performance achievements in order to be able to change the portrait of the National Police in accordance with the expectations of the community, namely to become a Police that is close to the community, as well as to respond to the development of a strategic environment that is increasingly fast and uncertain," he said

To realize these expectations, continued Sigit, the National Police must be able to increase the motivation and performance of all its personnel. One of the efforts that have been made is to fulfill the welfare of Polri personnel by giving great attention to the housing program.

Some time ago, the National Police had launched the 100,000 housing program for civil servants at the National Police. A total of 34,491 units consisting of 17,400 apartment units and 17,091 landed housing units have been built and are planned for completion in 2024.

"We will continue this program until all members of the National Police can have a decent house. We hope that the Police personnel on duty in the field will no longer think about their families because of the inadequate housing conditions," he said.

Next is the health program, with the hope that Polri personnel will get good quality health services. The Police also continue to strive to improve the quality of service to the community.

The National Police adapt, innovate, and change the work culture from being served to a culture of serving so as to realize humane services. This is done by launching 16 Information Technology-based services in various police services.

In maintaining public security and order, members of the Indonesian National Police who are spread throughout Indonesia continue to strive to become problem solvers for every community problem. This is realized through the Polsek program as the basis for resolution and the realization of Bhabinkamtibmas as an information center and problem solver.

"There are 1,063 Polsek (in 343 Polres and 33 Polda) no longer conducting investigations, but focusing on handling Harkamtibmas. The presence of a Polri figure in the midst of society is expected to solve community problems, there is no need to use weapons or use force," he said.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the former Banten Police Chief also emphasized that the National Police had not forgotten their main task of maintaining stability and domestic security.

Throughout 2021, the National Police succeeded in thwarting the illicit circulation of 9.7 tons of drugs and saving 39.24 million of the nation's next generation from the dangers of drugs.

"There is no tolerance and there should be no room for drug dealers in this country, including members of the National Police who are involved in it, I remind you that there is only one choice to fire and punish," he concluded.

Regarding the crime of terrorism, the Police have succeeded in dealing with terrorism as shown in the case of a suicide bombing in front of the Makassar Cathedral Church, South Sulawesi on Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 10.25 WITA. After the incident, the National Police responded quickly by enforcing the law against 108 suspects in 8 provinces (South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, DKI Jakarta, West Java, NTB, East Java, Central Java, and DIY).

"During the period from January to May 2021, the number of criminal acts of terrorism that occurred in Indonesia was 6 incidents with 217 suspects, 209 suspects in the investigation process and 8 suspects taking measured decisive action (6 deaths and 2 suicide bombings)," he said.

The National Police Chief Sigit also explained that the application of Restorative Justice was prioritized in case settlement to create fair law enforcement. The increase in case settlement with Restorative Justice is 64 percent more than the previous year.

This was also followed by the acceleration of the completion of the handling of various cases that became public attention, including extortion that disturbed the public in North Jakarta, the leak of BPJS data, and the online loan case of PT. Southeast Century Asia.

"The professionalism of Polri investigators must be maintained and maintained with a firm but still humanist appearance and respect for the values of Pancasila and Human Rights," he said.

The National Police Chief is fully aware that this success will not be achieved without the support of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, leaders of State High Institutions, TNI, leaders of Ministries/Institutions, all members of the People's Consultative Assembly/DPR/DPD RI, business partners, and whole society.

"Therefore, as the Chief of the Indonesian National Police, I would like to express my highest gratitude to all elements of the nation who have helped the National Police to reach this point," he explained.

As a formidable Bhayangkara, the National Police, said Sigit, must also make their best efforts by mobilizing all available resources in order to help

handling the COVID-19 Pandemic through disciplined 5M health protocols, strengthening 3T efforts, guarding and sealing, justice operations and assisting in accelerating the National vaccination program through precision vaccination outlets and mass vaccination. "Tomorrow we will enter the Emergency PPKM period and Nusa II Safe Operation for Advanced Covid-19 Handling in Java and Bali. Prepare immediately a strategy of guarding and blocking, disciplining health protocols, and implementing this restriction policy in the field," said Sigit.