18 Residents Of Tahfiz Al-Quran House In Medan Positif COVID-19

MEDAN - A total of 18 students at the Ma'had Tahfiz Qur'an house on Jalan Gaperta Ujung, Tanjung Gusta Village, Medan Helvetia District, Medan City were tested positive for COVID-19 based on the results of PCR swabs.

The sub-district head of Medan Helvetia, Andy Mario Siregar, explained that the Tahfiz Koran House cluster emerged after one of the teachers there returned from Java and also South Tapanuli (Tapsel).

"Some of their teachers traveled from Solo, Java and then went back to South Tapanuli. Coming home from South Tapanuli, they weren't feeling well. After that last Thursday last week they did a PCR swab at USU Hospital and the results were positive," said Andy, Thursday July 1.

Furthermore, a PCR swab was carried out on all residents of the Tahfiz Koran house at the Helvetia Health Center.

"18 (people) turned out to be positive. Monday in the swab, we got the results we reported to the guardian, apparently it's 18. So the guardian reviewed and saw these children, at first they didn't want to self-isolate elsewhere, (wanted) in another place. that," he said.

Because those who are exposed to COVID-19 come from the same house or place of residence, there is no environmental isolation.

"It's not environmental isolation, coincidentally, how about it, if environmental isolation is one environment, there are already more than 5 houses exposed, right? Coincidentally, what we can cluster is like a boarding school. Tahfiz Koran is he," he said.

Based on the information from the owner of the Tahfiz House, the students there are female orphans.

"In total there were 24 people there, 24 PCR swabs, 18 positive, 6 negative," he said.

The 18 students who tested positive for COVID-19 had refused to be isolated or referred to a hospital. According to him, the location of the Tahfiz House is not suitable to be used as a place of self-isolation.

"There are only 3 rooms, there are 18 positive ones, it can't be a location for self-isolation," he concluded.