Update On COVID-19 As Of 24 May: Eid Day One, 21 People Died

JAKARTA - As many as 21 people were declared dead due to COVID-19 on Eid Al-Fitr. This makes the government ask the public to work together to solve the COVID-19 pandemic by adhering to health protocols.

"21 people have died so that now the total number of patients who have died has reached 1,372 people,"

Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto

Meanwhile, there were 526 patients who tested positive. So, overall, the number of positive cases reached 22,271 people. Meanwhile, the number of recovered patients was 153 and the total accumulative was 5,402.

The total number of specimens examined per day reached 11,013 specimens, with 10,872 specimens being tested using the real-time PCR method and 141 specimens using the molecular rapid test (TCM) method.

Yurianto explained that currently 404 cities and districts have been affected by COVID-19 in 34 provinces. "Our work is still quite heavy because we are still monitoring all parts of the country," he said.

This monitoring was also carried out on 42,551 people under surveillance (ODP) and 11,389 patients under surveillance (PDP) who are waiting for the results of laboratory examinations.

Speaking of laboratories, Yurianto also ensured that until now all laboratories were still working as usual and verifying specimen examinations.

This verification work, he said, is important and must be done immediately in order to carry out a more aggressive search.

"We must examine the specimens entirely. Then we translate them into epidemiological investigation activities and are aimed at carrying out aggressive tracing which leads to strict isolation of the positive cases we get in the field," he said.

Leaving old traditions

Seeing the existing situation, Yurianto then asked the public to leave the old traditions during Eid Al-Fitr in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Including the tradition of shaking hands with family and relatives to prevent the spread of this virus.

"It's tough if we have to leave it at this time. This is our challenge together. We have to live with this trial whatever happens if we want to control this as soon as possible," said Yurianto.

In addition, to welcome the new normal, he also asked the public to adhere to health protocols and to always get used to maintaining an orderly distance, not crowding and being selective in choosing activities outside the home.

"We begin to have to get used to being orderly, not overcrowding, not gathering without a single productive goal. This is what we mean by changing our way of thinking. Changing our habits," he said.

"We have to create a new paradigm, we have to change our habits into new habits. We have to live a normal life in a new way. We must not go backwards to be unproductive. Once again we must be productive but safe from COVID-19," he concluded. .