Not Only In Movies, Flying Cars Will Be Coming Soon Later This Decade

JAKARTA – Flying cars will be a solution for drivers who want to avoid traffic jams and red lights. So far, flying cars have been in the works of science-fiction. Now flying cars will soon be present in the real world.

Hyundai has openly said that flying cars will be coming soon. The statement from the South Korean car manufacturer indicates a new era of automotive will soon come.

Based on a report from Sputnik News, Hyundai's chief operating executive for Europe, Michael Cole made a bold prediction at this year's Consumer Electronic Show. He said that flying cars will be present all over the world by the end of this decade.

Meanwhile, The Guardian reports that Cole has revealed that Hyundai has made a "significant investment" in developing a flying car for urban areas. Hyundai believes flying cars will become an important part of future vehicles.

“We think that by the end of the decade of course, urban air mobility will offer a great opportunity to reduce congestion in cities, to help reduce emissions, be it intra-city mobility in the air or even between cities”, said Cole.

Cole also added that Hyundai's ambitions are part of an effort to present "the company's future solutions that offer innovative intelligent mobility solutions."

At last year's Consumers Electronics Show, Hyundai and Uber showcased their flying taxis. The taxi will carry passengers without having to get stuck in traffic jams.

At that time, Uber planned to launch its flying taxi in 2023. However, until now the company has not provided an official statement.

On the other hand, Hyundai is also involved in the procurement project for a flying car runway in the UK which will be implemented by the end of 2021. The runway is called the “pop-up airport”.

"The Urban-Air Platform will support a number of vehicles, including aerial taxis and autonomous delivery drones," said a spokesperson for Coventry University, which is working on the project, in a February 2021 press release.