Christian Eriksen Collapsed, The Indonesian Badminton Legend Dies, Heart Disease Is A Serious Threat To Athletes

JAKARTA - The World Health Organization (WHO) revealed the facts of heart disease as the number 1 killer in the world, in the 2000-2019 range. In Indonesia, heart disease also ranks first.

Anxiety over heart disease is not only faced by the wider community but those who are involved in the world of sports. Although often considered healthy, fit and far from the risk of disease, it turns out that sports actors can also have a heart attack.

The closest real example is the incident experienced by the Danish national team midfielder Christian Eriksen. He suffered cardiac arrest during a match against Finland at the Euros. Eriksen was immediately rushed to the hospital and his condition improved.

Two days later, Indonesian badminton legend, Markis Kido, suffered a heart attack while playing in Tangerang on June 14. The 2008 Olympic gold winner was helpless and breathed his last.

The existence of this incident should be a lesson for all of us, especially the achievement sports community. In Eriksen's case, the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) immediately planned to hold training for every player to be able to provide first aid for a similar incident.

The reason is, one of the reasons Eriksen is still alive is the first aid that Simon Kjaer did before the medical team arrived.

FIGC President Gabriele Gravina said he would hold a pre-season course with federal doctors, under the coordination of Professor Paolo Zappilli.

In Indonesia, the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) together with the Central Management of the Indonesian Cardiovascular Doctors Association (PP.PERKI) held a virtual seminar entitled 'Healthy Heart for Athletes & Sports Activists'.

The goal is to disseminate knowledge about heart health to the wider community. The steps were taken by the Central KONI, PP.PERKI, collaborated with the online media VOI to contribute to the world of sports.

In the future, this virtual seminar is expected to be useful for the wider community and the absence of heart disease victims due to a lack of knowledge. The virtual seminar will start at 10.00 WIB, Thursday, July 1, guided by dr. Andi Kurniawan as Deputy Head of Sport Science KONI Center.

General Chairman of the Central KONI, Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Marciano Norman will give a speech at the beginning of the activity. After that, it was the turn of the General Chairperson of PP.PERKI, dr. Isman Firdaus, Sp.JP (K), then from FIHA (Fellows Indonesian Heart Association) who gave a speech before moderator Dr. Yusra Pintaningrum, Sp.JP (K) led the presentation from five speakers.

Dr. Vito Damay, Sp.JP(K), MKes, AIFO-K will be the first resource person with a discussion entitled 'Heart Adaptation in Athletes'. Next, it was Dr. Radityo Prakoso, SpJP(K)'s turn to explain about 'CPR and Early Signs of Heart Disease'. Then the explanation related to 'Arrhythmia in Athletes' explained by Dr. Sunu Budi Sp.JP (K), Ph.D. Furthermore, Dr. Sony Hilal Wicaksono, Sp.JP(K) explained the 'Heart Check Up' before the last speaker, Dr. Ade M Ambari, Sp.JP (K) ended with the explanation 'Keeping the Heart for Athletes and Sports Activists'.

Participants were given time to have a dialogue with the speakers. After that, the seminar will be closed with remarks from Deputy I of General Chairperson of the Central KONI, Major General TNI (ret.) Dr. Suwarno.