Renukha Arumugam's Outpouring Of Love Brings Her To Singapore Prison

JAKARTA - In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, wearing masks is very important. If not, there are penalties awaiting - at least it happened in Singapore on Friday, 22 May. A woman has been charged in court after leaving home amid COVID-19.

It is known that a woman named Renukha Arumugam was charged with five counts under the COVID-19 Act 2020 case. She reportedly left home twice to meet her lover during the pandemic.

In addition, this 30 year old woman does not wear a mask when traveling outside the home. Renukha also did not give a clear reason why she left the house for something that is not important. Although he did not provide detailed documents, quoted from Channel News Asia, he left the house three times; twice with a boyfriend and the third time to meet a friend.

When meeting the idol of the heart, Renukha leaves at 3 a.m. and 1 a.m. with a mask that is not worn properly. He also met his friend in the morning near the flat where he lived to go to the supermarket together.

"I'm unemployed, so if you give me a heavy fine, I don't think I can pay it," Renukha told the court. He pleaded guilty to his treatment.

The follow-up trial will be held on 10 June. Renukha faces up to 6 months in prison and a fine of up to 10 thousand dollars.

Meanwhile, Singapore is facing a rapid rate of cases that has reached 30 thousand cases with 13 thousand people declared cured.

It sounds simple, but Singapore's steps in settling this punishment are considered mixed. This is done to break the chain of spread of the invisible corona virus. Therefore, people avoid traveling outside. Apart from the risk of being exposed to the virus, being punished is also ready to wait for the people of Singapore.