Reviewing Ulama Vaccination, Anies: We Want Religious Leaders To Continue Guiding People

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reviewed the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for scholars who are members of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI).

This vaccination took place at the DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta. Anies said this vaccination was an effort by the DKI Provincial Government to provide protection to religious leaders.

Thus, religious leaders who have been vaccinated are better protected from COVID-19 transmission when teaching religious knowledge to the public.

"We want the clergy, religious leaders, religious leaders, all of them to be well protected, so that during this pandemic they can always be healthy, continue to guide and protect the people," Anies said at the location, Wednesday, June 30.

Anies hopes that if the ulama and the public have been vaccinated, then religious activities will be able to run as before because all people have been vaccinated.

"That way, we can both return to the place of activity. Taklim assemblies, religious activities, can be active again. Hopefully this can continue," he said.

In addition to the DKI City Hall, vaccinations for scholars and religious leaders will also be carried out at the city, sub-district and village levels. It is hoped that this will reach the clergy at the smallest level, thus providing protection for the congregation as well.

"We will support MUI and DMI will hold it at the mayor's offices so that everyone can come easily there and access vaccines easily too," said Anies.

In addition, the chairman of the DKI Jakarta MUI, Munahar Mukhtar, appealed to all ulama to be vaccinated, so that religious activities can be carried out as before.

"I hope to the figures and scholars, let's make an effort through vaccines, which God willing, we will implement at the city and sub-district level. So the leading scholars should carry out the vaccine and later there will be a notification to the ulama to the village level. I hope all the vaccines so that hopes for reopening places of worship can be carried out," he explained.