Kim Kardashian And Her Bad Experience With Instagram

NEW YORK - A study conducted by the Royal Society of Public Health stated that the Instagram application has a big impact on the mental health of its users. And this is not a good thing. Famous American celebrities like Kim Kadarshian have stories about this.

Speaking at the New York Times Dealbook Conference, Kim shared how a love-hate relationship feels with Instagram. With a following of more than 151 million people, Kim feels Instagram is taking her to her dream projects and sharing space. On the other hand, there are some bad things that he received through Instagram.

Flashback to 2016. At that time, Kim experienced a robbery in his hotel room. A few days earlier, he had uploaded himself wearing a large diamond ring. Several hours before the robbery took place, he had talked about himself attending the Paris Fashion Week.

The robbery incident opened Kim's eyes about what he shared on social media. "I thought about when I was raising my children and when I accessed my device, the telephone, what to send, what not to send in real time." Kim said he learned from the robbery about people who saw his movements, reported by E!

Through his upload, Kim Kardashian realized that there were many who knew what Kim had, knew where Kim was, and what Kim was doing. “I want people to feel like they are on that journey with me. But I might shoot a video and will upload it 30 minutes later. " explained Kim through a conference with Andrew Ross Sorkin.

Kim has advice for the Instagram team on stopping bad mental health through the app. According to him, by removing the “like” feature, it will benefit its users. “But I know the Instagram team has had a lot of inner conversations with a group of people to take that and take the issue seriously. It makes me happy. "

Kim Kardashian as a public figure always receives lots of likes. For one photo upload, he can receive more than one million likes. But even so, like Instagram users in general, a Kim Kardashian also feels the Instagram platform has its drawbacks.