Again, BPK Gives WTP Opinions To These 12 Ministries/Institutions, What Are They?

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) gave Unqualified Opinions (WTP) on 12 Ministry/Agency Financial Reports (LKKL) for 2020.

Meanwhile, the 12 inspection reports (LHP) are LHP Financial Reports of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Wantannas, Lemhannas, BNPT, Bakamla.

Then, Komnas HAM, National Cyber and Crypto Agency, KPK, BNN, BMKG, Bawaslu, and the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas).

Head of State Financial Audit I BPK Hendra Susanto said that during the 2019 financial statement examination, three institutions had not obtained WTP opinions, namely Bakamla, BSSN, and KPU.

"The three institutions continue to encourage improvements in financial management and reporting and have succeeded in obtaining WTP opinions, which means increased performance," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, June 29.

Hendra added, in the examination of the 12 LKKLs in 2020, BPK found significant problems related to the Internal Control System (SPI), including inadequate administration and security of inventory and intangible assets.

Then, inadequate administration of the use and security of State Property, inadequate administration and security of evidence and confiscated goods, and inadequate SPI for cash management.

In addition, significant problems related to non-compliance with statutory regulations include cash management in the expenditure treasurer that is not fully in accordance with the provisions, there are realizations of income and expenditure outside the APBN mechanism, and also the realization of goods and capital expenditures that do not comply with the provisions.

Hendra ensured that before the LHP was issued, the audited entity had followed up on the recommendations of the audit findings.

"BPK appreciates several work units that have followed up on the findings of the BPK examination while the examination was still ongoing," he said.

To note, a number of Ministries/Agencies have previously received WTP opinions from the BPK, such as the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.