Community Leaders Asked To Help Prevent The Second Wave Of COVID-19 In Residential Areas

JAKARTA - The emergence of a second wave of cases of the corona virus or COVID-19, which has the potential to increase the number of patients, needs to be watched out. Even though the PSBB rules have been implemented, there are still many people who gather without applying physical distancing.

Head of Satpol PP DKI Arifin said that crowds in remote areas and settlements are rarely monitored by officers because of the limited number of personnel. They are more focused on prosecuting roads and strategic areas.

Therefore, Arifin asked for participation in the residential environment. RT-RW heads and community leaders are asked to remind residents to continue implementing the COVID-19 prevention protocol.

"In a residential area, the RT or RW must maintain the resilience of the area. If possible, make an announcement at the mosque, let's protect our safety and health together, don't go out of the house too much. Because even this COVID-19 case is now. increased, "said Arifin to reporters, Friday, May 22.

The potential crowd that the Satpol PP ranks anticipate in the near future is the traveling takbir activity that residents usually do on the eve of Eid.

Therefore, Satpol PP DKI will place security posts in strategic places, and comb the streets using vehicles to look for congregated residents and takbiran.

"Take takbir in your respective mosques. If you want one or two takbirs, please, but don't crowd because traveling takbir is not allowed," he said.

Regarding the sanctions imposed on crowding residents, Arifin said that he would refer to Governor Regulation Number 41 of 2020 which regulates the question of PSBB violations.

"The sanctions for those who carry out the traveling takbir activities, they must return to their respective places or be dissolved," he said.

The apparatus was asked to be firm

Previously, Doni Monardo, Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Disaster Management, asked law enforcement officials to take firm steps against all parties who violate the PSBB.

"The PSBB is still in effect, but the community has not complied so much, there are still those who are reckless, how busy are all of our duties to ensure that there will be no second wave," said Doni.

Doni is worried that the transmission of the second wave of corona virus has the potential to soar again. Because, there are still people who do not comply with health protocols and do not really understand the risk of transmitting COVID-19.

"Still crowded, still often get together, still often do activities that could have been detained or avoided first," said Doni.

Moreover, the moments before Eid al-Fitr like this are crucial times. Because, usually a lot of people who gather like doing takbir around and stay in touch. Should, the public consciously refrain from crowding.

"If we want to immediately break the chain of transmission, if we want to return to a new normal life soon, then the last 2 weeks are the best times," said Doni.