Toyota Makes Robots That Can Lighten Housework

JAKARTA - Toyota Research Institute has made an innovative robot that can detect transparent and reflective surfaces. This robot is designed to help with household chores.

The company reveals that robots often cannot detect transparent surfaces, and now Toyota has found a solution. Most robots are programmed to react to objects and the geometry in front of them, but cannot tell the difference between an actual object and its reflection.

Something like a drinking glass or a toaster with a glossy surface can prevent robots made to work at home from doing their job properly.

To solve that problem, Toyota developed a new training method that allows the robot to understand the 3D geometry of the scene while also detecting objects and surfaces.

"Training robots to understand how to operate in a home environment poses particular challenges due to the diversity and complexity of our homes where small levers can add up to big challenges," said Max Bajracharya, vice president of Toyota Research Institute.

In the video, a robot made by Toyota looks at the 3D geometry of various elements in a house. This allows it to recognize all types of surfaces that can be cleaned, such as tables and the like. The robot can even detect transparent glasses and move them to the side.

The research team also aims to develop the capabilities of robots to strengthen human capabilities, so that machines can help people. This development is a major step towards achieving this goal.