Ngabalin Gives Message To BEM UI, Alludes To Intellectuals And Critical Data That Must Use
JAKARTA - The Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Ali Mochtar Ngabalin responded to the polemic of criticism from students who are members of the UI BEM related to Jokowi's pictorial meme 'The King of Lip Service'.
According to him, students have two very basic characteristics. First, unmatched intellectual abilities.
"He has insight, broad knowledge because he reads, listens a lot and often discusses, seminars are everywhere and one of his most basic characteristics is being an organizer," Ngabalin said in his statement on the YouTube account @Serbet Ngabalin, quoted on Tuesday, June 29.
Second, he continued, students have high critical power. "It's not a student if he's not critical, we've experienced that during college and school both in Salemba and in Depok," said the UI alumnus.
"So that when BEM UI gives a special assessment to the head of state, the important thing I have to convey as a brother, senior, brother, ILUNI, of course I must tell you that our characteristic of UI is to have knowledge and intellectual abilities everywhere, we can compete anywhere. Because we have high language skills," he continued.
Ngabalin understands, especially UI students need to be critical, but in this era of open democracy, they must be equipped with sharp analytical skills based on various strong arguments.
"So if you talk about the KPK problem, the KPK has finished, we will discuss the issue of transferring KPK employees to the ASN yesterday, PP number 41 of 2020. We will also discuss the KPK's internal regulation Number 1 of 2021 and so on. If we highlight the problem of the law ITE now continues that the president himself asks that it must be discussed again so that the articles and verses that have multiple interpretations do not injure people," he explained.
Until now, Ngabalin claims, President Jokowi has great respect for the various democratic processes taking place today. But it would be wiser for the students to also provide educational and enlightening statements, not the other way around.
"Criticism is allowed, yes, it is very important to be able to motivate and evaluate what is being pursued and done by the President. But for the characteristics of our students, we must not use data or facts that do not provide an enlightenment to the public. Moreover, using phrases, diction and a really bad assessment in our capacity as students," said Ngabalin.
Because, he continued, students are representatives of the intellectual community who will sooner or later in the future become holders of the baton of leadership of the nation and state. This is called the regeneration process.
"I still give appreciation to BEM UI, you have already given that assessment to the president as a lip service figure. Later the community will give an assessment to students," he said.
As a UI alumnus, Ngabalin admitted that he had to face this situation because he helps President Jokowi in the Presidential Staff office as a delivery unit every day.
"But that the public will give an assessment to students that based on the diction, the narrative used in judging President Jokowi, I think it's already in the public sphere. There are only two things left if friends can evaluate for the future more good," he said.
Ngabalin hopes that parents and UI students hope that they can go to school and graduate well. And, one day can make a good contribution to the interests of the nation and state.
"From every presidential leadership period in this republic, there are always the best cadres and people, the best ILUNI, the best Indonesian alumni are always used for the benefit of the nation and state. Always be a student who graduates with the best achievements," he hoped.