Mass Organization Clashes In Bekasi, Between Big Names And Principles

JAKARTA - Two community organizations (mass organizations) were involved in a clash in the area of Jalan Ngurah Rai, Bintara, Bekasi City. As a result of the incident, two people were injured and four vehicles were burned down. When investigated by the police, the trigger for the clash was only a trivial matter.

Based on the results of the investigation, it all started when the Pemuda Pancasila (PP) mass organization did not pay for the coffee ordered at a shop. Thus, there were disputes and attacks on coffee traders who were members of the Persaudaraan Setia Hati Teratai (PSHT) organization.

A criminal law observer from Al Azhar University Suparji Ahmad said there was another factor that triggered the clash, namely the group's existence. For this reason, members of mass organizations are usually easily provoked or provoked to solve problems using violence.

"The existence of this mass organization consists of many members or already big names. So that they feel they must maintain their existence," Suparji told VOI, Friday, May 22.

In addition, he continued, another possibility that triggers clashes between mass organizations is usually due to the principle of maintaining mass organization solidarity. So, they assume that no one should hurt, insult, and do evil to their members.

When there is a party or person who does something to its members, the others will be ignited and choose to retaliate for the act. With these triggering factors, clashes between mass organizations have flared up, even though they started with trivial problems.

"Maybe they feel that it is a principle, so they have to defend themselves. Given that mass organizations generally have high solidarity," Suparji said.

Regarding the mass organization clash that took place on Thursday, May 21, Head of Public Relations of the Bekasi Metro Police, Commissioner Erna Ruswing, said that the beating of a coffee trader named Toto was because the Pemuda Pancasila mass organizations did not accept that one of his colleagues, Iwan, was treated harshly. In fact, they are the only ones guilty because they don't want to pay for the order.

"Toto asked for coffee money and there was an argument that made Iwan angry and kicked Toto. Toto then slammed Iwan and injured his head," said Erna.

Apart from that, the main trigger for the clashes, said Erna, was when a member of Pemuda Pancasila challenged the silat organization. So, Toto, who is one of its members, informs his colleagues.

Nevertheless, this problem was prevented by mediating between the two organizations. But it was useless because they were actually involved in a clash which resulted in two people being injured.

Until finally, the police managed to suppress the clash and again held mediation between the Pancasila Youth organization and the PSHT mass organization. As a result of the mediation, they agreed that they would not prolong the problem and solve it in a friendly manner.

"Both parties accept that this problem is resolved by deliberation and consensus," concluded Erna.