Positive COVID-19 Jakarta Increases 8,348 With 128 New Variant Cases

JAKARTA - Confirmation of positive cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta increased by 8,348. There were 128 cases of the new variant of the corona virus mutation.

Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Dwi Oktavia in Jakarta, said that 128 samples were declared as new variant cases as a result of the "Whole Genome Sequencing" (WGS) sample examination.

There are also details of the 128 samples which are also referred to as "Variant of Concern" (VoC), namely 12 Alpha variants (B.117), three Beta variants (B.1.351) and 113 Delta variants (B.1617.2).

"Of these (128) it has been identified that 35 cases have a history of travel from abroad (imported cases), 46 local transmissions of the Delta variant in DKI Jakarta, 22 local transmissions of the Delta variant in Debotabek whose examination was carried out in Jakarta and 25 cases are still being processed. verify whether it is a Delta variant from abroad or a local transmission," said Dwi as quoted by Antara, Monday, June 28.

Based on data from the Jakarta Health Office on the corona.Jakarta.go.id page, Monday, with the addition of 8,348 positive COVID-19 cases, today the total positive confirmed cases increased from 520,061 cases to 528,409 cases.

The increase in positive cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta as many as 8,348 cases was the result of a swab test (PCR) the day before, namely on Sunday, June 27.

The PCR test on June 27, which was entered on Monday, was tested on 28,619 specimens. Of these tests, 22,895 people were newly tested by PCR to diagnose new cases with 8,348 positive and 14,547 negative results.

During the week, the addition of 8,348 daily positive cases reported on Monday, far higher than the 6,934 cases reported on Friday (25/6), 7,505 cases Thursday (24/5) and Wednesday (23/6). /6) 4,693 cases, Tuesday (22/6) 3,221 cases and on Monday (21/6) 5,014 cases.

However, the daily increase in positive cases of 8,348 cases reported on Monday is still lower than the increase in cases reported on Saturday, June 26 of 9,271 cases. Especially when compared to the addition of cases reported on Sunday, June 27, as many as 9,394 cases, which is the highest addition throughout the pandemic.

The increase in positive cases of COVID-19 as many as 8,348 people on Sunday caused the number of active cases who are still being treated or isolated, an increase of 4,831 people from the previous number of 57,295 people, causing the current total active cases of 62,126 people.