Micro PPKM Policy Considered Failed To Overcome COVID-19 Spike, DPR Asks DKI, West Java And Central Java To Implement Strict PSBB

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives Kurniasih Mufidayati assesses that the implementation of the Micro PPKM which has been running since June 22 has failed to suppress the spike in COVID-19 which is already very worrying. Even in these three days the number of Covid cases is still perched above 18 thousand. "Last Thursday there was a daily record of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia which reached 20,574 cases. Last Friday there were 18,872 new cases. And another new record with cases reaching 21,095 people. This is proof that Micro PPKM has failed to suppress the COVID-19 spike," said Mufida, Monday, June 28. The PKS politician regrets that the central government is still confident in Micro PPKM which will reduce the rate of spikes in the number of COVID-19. However, since the implementation of the policy, it has not changed the graph of the decline in COVID cases.

A number of areas such as DKI Jakarta, West Java and Central Java are still the three areas with the highest number of COVID cases in Indonesia. "From the 21,095 daily cases, DKI Jakarta is the area with the highest number of cases at 9,271 cases, followed by West Java with 3,787 cases and Central Java with 2,305 cases. daily cases. PPKM Mikro in fact still has not lowered the number of Covid cases, let alone lowered the graph, "explained the legislator for the DKI Jakarta electoral district. Mufida continued, the central government should have given authority and permits to the 3 provinces that contributed the highest Covid-19 to apply emergency brakes or restrictions. more stringent large-scale social distancing (PSBB). So that the implementation of the PSBB can significantly reduce community mobility and is expected to be able to suppress the chain of transmission of COVID-19. "The government should not delay implementing the emergency brake or strict PSBB. However, it must also be considered so that the implementation of the PSBB can be economically friendly. The strict PSBB rules can also refer to the Health Quarantine Act," he said. The implementation of the Strict PSBB, Mufida explained, was very urgent in the Jakarta and West Java areas. Moreover, a number of hospitals in the Emergency Room (IGD) could no longer accommodate COVID patients. again.

The BOR figure has passed the WHO threshold. The very high daily cases will certainly increase the burden on health workers such as doctors and nurses. Not to mention the Delta corona variant from India which quickly increases transmission and reduces antibody responses which are suspected to be one of the causes of the spike in COVID-19.

"A number of hospitals have collapsed in Jakarta. The emergency room is no longer accommodating. Health workers such as doctors and nurses have to work extra hard in treating patients. Not to mention the risk of health workers getting infected when treating COVID patients. The number of health workers does not increase, but the number of patients increases in large numbers on a large scale. This is a problem that must be resolved quickly, "he said.

In addition, Mufida added, the central government must think about non-COVID-19 general patients who entered the ER but were rejected by the hospital because the COVID-19 patients were full. This means that the government must increase the capacity of COVID patients, but don't forget about other emergency patients. "Hospital conditions in Jakarta, for example, have overflowed with COVID patients. The reality on the ground is that many emergency patients with complaints of other diseases are refused by the hospital because they are no longer accommodating. This is the solution, how to increase the capacity of COVID patients, but there is also a special room in the hospital that handles emergency patients other than COVID. So that all patients can be handled," concluded Mufida.

It is known, new positive cases of Corona Virus (COVID-19) in Indonesia as of Saturday, June 26, increased by 21,095 people. This number is a new record positive daily spike during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

As of Sunday, June 27, the cumulative total of Covid cases in Indonesia has become 2,093,962 since the first case was announced on March 2, 2020. Since the Central Government has implemented micro-scale PPKM, there are no signs that the COVID-19 spike will decrease drastically.