Archi Indonesia, Gold Mining Company Owned By Conglomerate Peter Sondakh Officially Listed On The IDX With Issuer Code ARCI

JAKARTA - PT Archi Indonesia Tbk is officially listed as a new issuer on the main trading board of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) today, Monday, June 28 with the issuer code ARCI. The company is the 21st issuer to successfully list its initial shares on the IDX throughout 2021.

The inauguration and handover of the ARCI share listing certificate was held privately / virtual, attended by Archi's Board of Commissioners and Directors, namely Rizki Indrakusuma as President Commissioner, Abed Nego as Commissioner, Kenneth Ronald Kennedy Crichton as President Director, Shawn David Crispin as Director, Adam Jaya Putra as Director and Harry Margatan Sopandi as Corporate Secretary.

Through the IPO, the company owned by conglomerate Peter Sondakh released 3,725,250,000 ordinary shares representing 15.00 percent of the company's issued and paid-up capital after the IPO at a price of Rp750 per share.






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"Archi has long planned to conduct an IPO. This is one of the milestones achieved by the company and is a valuable moment for us. We are very grateful for the trust of all relevant parties who have supported the Company to realize this IPO," said Deputy President Director of Archi , Rudy Suhendra.

If calculated, the fresh funds obtained by Archi Indonesia are at least IDR 2.79 trillion from this IPO event. Archi Indonesia has also partnered with PT BNI Sekuritas, PT Citigroup Sekuritas Indonesia, PT Credit Suisse Sekuritas Indonesia, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT UOB Kay Hian Sekuritas as underwriters for the issuance of securities from this corporate action.