Kulon Progo Breaks Records Today! There Are 295 Positive Cases Of COVID, The Most Since The Pandemic Took Place

KULON PROGO - Patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, broke a record. As of Saturday, June 26, today there were an addition of 295 new cases. The total number of positive patients during the pandemic was 7,886 cases.

"Today, the addition of confirmed cases of COVID-19 was beyond our expectations, namely 295 positive cases," said spokesman for the Kulon Progo COVID-19 Task Force, Baning Rahayujati, in Kulon Progo, as reported by Antara, Sunday.

He said the new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were spread in Pengasih, Sentolo, Kalibawang, Kokap, Wates, Nanggulan, Panjatan, Temon, Samigaluh, and Girimulyo sub-districts.

"The most additions were in Sentolo, Kalibawang, Kokap, Lendah, and Pengasih, the addition of which was more than 30 new cases. The majority of those confirmed to have COVID-19 underwent self-isolation," he said.

Baning said the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in Kulon Progo who underwent self-isolation was very large, namely 1,598 cases. Then 122 were isolated in hospitals, 5,489 completed isolation, 537 recovered and 140 died.

Five of the 12 sub-districts with the highest number of COVID-19 cases, namely Wates 1,041 cases, Pengasih 1,002 cases, Sentolo 843 cases, Kokap 740 cases, and Lendah 726 cases.

"Today, the Neighborhood Units (RT) have very high yellow zone status, namely 481 RT, orange zone 20 RT, and red zone there are three RTs spread across Kokap sub-district, one RT and Kalibawang two RT," he said.

Furthermore, Baning said the position of the isolation ward at the COVID-19 referral hospital in Kulon Progo, at the Wates Hospital with a capacity of 30 beds had been filled with 23 beds, and the IGD queue was seven patients. Then at the Nyi Ageng Serang Hospital with a capacity of 16 rooms, 19 patients were occupied because there was one room filled with two patients.

"We urge the public to strictly adhere to health protocols, do not let their guard down. Do not leave the house if it is not urgent," he said.