A Group Of Hackers Claim To Have Scandalous Information About President Donald Trump

JAKARTA - A group of hackers reportedly threatened the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump. They threatened to reveal some important information related to the scandal and confidential data belonging to Trump, which he had hacked from a law firm.

Through an underground portal or dark web, they posted messages to the law firm Grubman Shire Meiselas and Sacks (GSMS), which had escorted Trump during the US Presidential Election. In their threat they will release a number of files about the client to the public.

"There is an election going on, and we have found a ton of evidence embarrassing Mr. Trump. If you want to remain president, you'd better know what we mean," wrote the hacker group as quoted by Forbes, Wednesday May 20.

"And for you voters, we will publish this file so that you don't want to see him (Trump) as president anymore," said the hacker, who gave a one-week deadline, before releasing Trump's files to the public.

This hacker group offers a ransom of around 365 thousand US dollars or Rp. 5 billion for each data file that is successfully hacked. Not only Trump, these hackers also managed to break into a number of other important documents from a number of celebrities and politicians.

Some of them, such as contract documents for Lady Gaga, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Bruce Springsteen, Bette Midler, U2, Outcast, Jessica Simpson, Cam Newton. Not only the singer, they also have sensitive files belonging to Facebook and several other sites, with a total of 756GB of successfully stolen data.

"Unless the company is willing to pay 42 million US dollars (Rp624 billion) in ransom to keep the secret safe," threatened the hackers.

GSMS spokesman Allen Grubman said his party had coordinated with the police and the FBI to resolve this hacking problem. He emphasized that this law firm will not pay a dime as the hackers demand.

"We have been told by experts and the FBI that negotiating with or paying ransoms to terrorists is a violation of federal criminal law," Allen said in a press release.

If true this would be the biggest hacking act ever experienced in the entertainment industry in the US. Since the last time North Korea violated Sony Pictures Entertainment's computer privacy systems, in the 2014 cyber attack.

The FBI said hacking and cyber attacks had increased since the COVID-19 pandemic took place. This forces many employees and companies to work from home, this internet network traffic that hackers may use to hack important information.