PPATK's Response To Findings There Is Deviation In Papua's Regional Autonomy-Regional Budget Fund, National Police Chief Sigit-ST Burhanuddin Must Move

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Junimart Girsang asked law enforcement officers in this case the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and Attorney General ST Burhanuddin to respond to findings of irregularities in the APBD and special autonomy funds (Otsus) for Papua and West Papua.

Previously, the Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), Dian Ediana Rae revealed at least 82 findings of these irregularities and revealed the perpetrators.

"The findings of the PPATK are obligatory for the National Police Chief and the Attorney General to immediately carry out an investigation because this involves state finances and public money," Junimart told reporters, Friday, June 25.

The PDIP politician also urged the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to immediately evaluate the use of the APBD, the Special Autonomy Fund and the General Allocation Fund (DAU), the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and the use of other types of funds including the Village Fund.

"The Ministry of Home Affairs as a supervisor and coach for regional heads must act directly to the regions concerned by forming a team from the Ministry of Home Affairs inspectorate," said Junimart.

According to Junimart, budget irregularities are also very vulnerable to the use of DAU and DAK. So it must always be monitored by the central government through the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Likewise with supervision at the village level, where currently there are two types of budgets received by villages, namely Village Funds sourced directly from the State Budget (APBN) and Village Fund Allocations sourced from APBD.

“The issue of supervising general allocation funds and special allocation funds is also necessary, this is the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Including the supervision of village funds and the allocation of village funds, they must be thoroughly monitored," he explained.

Junimart also assessed that so far many village heads do not know the use of village funds and the allocation of village funds. In fact, the misuse of these funds is also often used by law enforcement officers, for personal gain.

"So far, village heads don't know how to use it. So that it becomes 'land' for law enforcement officers," he said.