110 Central Java ASN Sanctioned For Not Being Neutral During The 2020 Regional Head Election

JAKARTA - A total of 110 state civil servants (ASN) in Central Java received sanctions because they were proven to have committed violations related to neutrality in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.

"The sanction for non-neutral ASN comes from the recommendation of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) which has been followed up by the Civil Service Officer (PPK)," said Head of the Central Java Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Fajar Saka, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 25.

Previously, the Central Java Bawaslu issued a recommendation for sanctions based on the handling of violations to KASN.

Fajar detailed the sanctions imposed on ASN consisting of 67 ASN who were given a moral sanction in the form of an open statement in accordance with PP No. 42 of 2004, 41 ASN were sentenced to moderate discipline.

Then an ASN was given a light disciplinary sentence, and an ASN was given a moral sanction in the form of a closed statement.

However, data from the Central Java Bawaslu recorded that there were still 13 ASN recommended by KASN but the PPK had not followed up.

Fajar said there were still several obstacles in handling non-neutral ASN, such as the short time available for handling violations, Bawaslu did not have the authority to make coercive efforts in the event that the parties were not present at clarification, the PPK response was still slow, until there were still vague or ambiguous rules. multiple interpretations.

In the future, he continued, sanctions from KASN and PPK for ASN who violate must be more firm and informed to the public in order to have a deterrent effect.

"In addition, we must use technology and information so that it can be well coordinated between institutions, including the need for protection for witnesses and reporters to be safe," said Fajar.

During the 2020 Pilkada, Bawaslu in Central Java, violations of ASN neutrality in Central Java occurred in almost all stages.

The most cases occurred during the campaign period, namely 33 cases, the election preparation stage 6 cases, the candidacy stage 5, the logistics distribution stage and the quiet period for one case, the vote counting stage for one, and the recapitulation stage for one case.