50,000 Electric Car Charging Stations In Europe Will Accept Cryptocurrency Payments

JAKARTA – Crypto money is increasingly being accepted by various circles, electricity station supply companies are rumored to be accepting payments with cryptocurrencies. However, this plan will only be implemented in 50,000 power stations in Europe.

Launching Cointelegraph, this is the result of a collaboration between Irish e-commerce with mobile payment solutions companies HIPS Payment Group Ltd and Swedish Vourity. The company focuses on unattended payment facilities such as electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.

The plan goes into effect in November 2021. However, the company has yet to announce which cryptocurrency it will use. According to rumors, Vourity will use the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH).

It was proven after the company launched an image of a payment place using the Ethereum logo. Until now, Ethereum is rumored to be moving from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) which is more environmentally friendly.

“We are evaluating what crypto/coin we will support. It will be converted to fiat,” said Hans Nottehed, CEO of Vourity as quoted by Cointelegraph.

The cryptocurrency payment mechanism will be integrated with the Vourity electric vehicle charging station connected to blockchain technology via Hips Merchant Protocol's native protocol token.

Previously, the HIPS Payments Group has released the HIPS Merchant Protocol, HIPS Merchant Protocol Gateway, and Merchant Token. The protocol was built on the Ethereum and Solana networks in May 2021. They also intend to expand their ecosystem using the Cardano network in the near future.

“With near real-time transaction speeds, in addition, the Hips Merchant Blockchain is designed for merchant transactions regardless of whether they are mobile, instore or e-commerce and uses the exchange concept of the payment card industry,” HIPS said in May.