4 Supporters Of Rizieq Shihab Who Are Reactive To COVID-19 In Isolation, The Rest Are Sent Home

JAKARTA - The police said that four of Rizieq Shihab's supporters who were declared reactive for COVID-19 had been taken to the Cilincing flat. They will undergo a period of isolation.

"Yesterday, the Police Doctor was immediately escorted by the Police Doctor using an ambulance to the Cilincing Flat for isolation," said Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the East Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Suwardi to VOI, Friday, June 25.

Meanwhile, hundreds of other Rizieq Shihab supporters who were also detained, Suwardi continued, have been sent home. However, previously they were recorded and checked first.

"He was sent home after an examination," he said.

On the previous occasion, East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Erwin Kurniawan said four of the hundreds of Rizieq's supporters were declared reactive for COVID-19 based on the results of the antigen test swab.

"Four reactive people at the Resort Police, we are still trying to check, we are handling it together with the COVID-19 Task Force," said Erwin.

The four people were members of the crowd who were detained around the East Jakarta District Court. However, it was not from the masses who had been involved in clashes with members of the police at the Pondok Kopi Flyover.

"If there is no one on the flyover here, no one has been arrested," said Erwin.

Furthermore, Erwin said that at least 273 supporters of Rizieq Shihab were arrested during the trial. They were detained in three different locations.

"There are 152 at the Polres, the rest at the Polda are more than 100 and 21 at the Cakung Polsek," he said.