The Increasing Number Of Complaints Of Alleged Codes Of Ethics Must Be A Warning To The KPK

JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has received 37 reports of violations of the code of ethics allegedly committed by the anti-corruption commission until this June. This figure increased significantly from the previous year which only recorded 30 reports.

Seeing this condition, member of the KPK Supervisory Board, Albertina Ho, said this increase should be a warning for KPK personnel to be careful in their actions.

"For 2021, which is actually beyond our expectations, there has been an extraordinary increase in ethical complaints. Previously, there were 30 ethical complaints in 2020, for 2021 until June there were 37," Albertina said at a press conference held online on Thursday, June 24.

"This may also be a warning for us fellow commissioners, why is this an ethical complaint that will increase greatly in 2021," he added.

He admitted that he was surprised by the number of reports. Albertina even said that this could happen because the internal KPK code of ethics is still not massively implemented or it could increase because the community continues to monitor the institution.

"Is this because there is a lack of guidance or internalization of the code of ethics or what, really, so there is a sharp increase or it could be that the community is really now using the channels provided by the council," he said.

Currently, the KPK Supervisory Board does have three facilities for people who want to report suspected ethical violations. These facilities start from physical complaint letters, complaints via email or electronic mail at, and the AUTHENTIC application.

Then what are the violations of the code of ethics that have been accepted by the KPK Supervisory Board at this time?

At least, currently there are two complaints of alleged ethical violations that have been filed with Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean et al.

The first is a complaint about the alleged violation of the code of ethics by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar. This report was submitted by three people, namely two KPK investigators Novel Baswedan and Rizka Anungnata and the former Director of the KPK's Inter-Commission and Institutional Network Development (PJKAKI) Sujanarko.

Lili was reported for two alleged ethical violations. First, he allegedly contacted and informed the handling of the alleged corruption case that ensnared the Mayor of Tanjungbalai M Syahrial.

Where this case is suspected to be related to the sale and purchase of positions in the Tanjungbalai Provincial Government, the anti-corruption commission is investigating. For this action, Lili is suspected of violating the principle of integrity, namely Article 4 paragraph (2) letter a, Regulation of the Indonesian KPK Supervisory Board Number 2 of 2020 concerning Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

Meanwhile, in the second case, Lili is said to have used her position as a KPK leader with the aim of pressuring the Mayor of Tanjungbalai Syahrial. This was done to settle the staffing affairs of his sister-in-law Ruri Prihatini Lubis at the Tirta Kualo Tanjungbalai Drinking Water Company.

For this allegation, he is suspected of violating the principle of integrity in Article 4 paragraph (2) letter b, Regulation of the Indonesian KPK Supervisory Board Number 2 of 2020 concerning Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

In this allegation, the KPK Supervisory Board is trying to carry out an investigation and has entered the clarification stage by examining a number of witnesses and collecting evidence.

Meanwhile, other alleged ethical violations that are being investigated by the KPK Council are related to the process of handling corruption cases of COVID-19 social assistance (bansos) in the Jabodetabek area. In this allegation, there are two KPK investigators reported by Agustri Yogasmara alias Yogas.

The name Yogas is actually often mentioned in the social assistance bribery case as the operator of a member of the DPR RI, namely Ihsan Yunus.

This report was made because two investigators were accused of committing unpleasant acts during the search and examination of witnesses, namely Yogas himself.

"In this trial, two investigators were accused of committing unpleasant acts in the process of searching and examining witnesses on behalf of Agustri Yogaswara. This ethical trial was based on Agustri Yogaswara's report to the Supervisory Board," said the ethics trial companion, March Falentino some time ago.

The trial of the alleged ethical violation against the two investigators has already started. However, the results have not been announced by the KPK Supervisory Board.

In addition, there was also a report on alleged ethical violations committed by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri regarding gratuities in helicopter rentals. This report was submitted by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and the follow-up has not been submitted by Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean et al.