Jokowi Rejects Lockdown Option, Then What Are The Results Of Micro PPKM?
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s move to continue to choose the implementation of Micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the midst of soaring COVID-19 cases was criticized by parliament. This is because PPKM Micro and Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) as well as lockdowns have a much different scope of restrictions.
According to the Deputy Chair of the PKS Faction, Netty Prasetiyani Aher, PSBB has a wider scope and stricter rules. In addition, the psychological community is also more afraid to carry out mobility when the PSBB is enforced.
"The government remains adamant with micro PPKM and is reluctant to take the PSBB option. In essence, micro PPKM and PSBB both regulate restrictions, however, the levels and scope of restrictions are much different. The psychological impact on society is also much different," said Netty, Thursday , June 24.
Netty assessed that the PSBB rules made the "Stay at Home" campaign more successful than the Micro PPKM, which was still seen by the crowd.
"The use of public transportation and visits to crowded centers have also decreased dramatically. PSBB in Jakarta at the beginning of the pandemic has been shown to significantly reduce the number of positive cases of COVID-19," explained the member of Commission IX of the DPR.
Meanwhile, continued Netty, micro PPKM is more difficult to implement because it is impossible to monitor health protocols on an individual basis. In addition, the readiness of the apparatus in terms of quantity has not been tested.
"Micro PPKM has been implemented for a long time in many places, but COVID-19 cases are still soaring. So, where is the success?" asked Netty.
As a result, Netty could only invite the public to pray for safety. This is because the government does not dare to make the right decision despite being warned.
"If the government is still reluctant to carry out PSBB or a total lockdown, then we must pray sincerely that Indonesia will not be like a train whose passengers hope to be safe, while the train route is indeed being directed towards the ravine," said Netty.
In line with PKS, the chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) faction in the DPR RI, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, also regrets that the President equates the essence of lockdown with Micro PPKM. In fact, said the member of Commission IX of the DPR RI, the implementation of the Micro PPKM is much different from the lockdown.
This was said by Saleh because his party at the health commission had evaluated the implementation of the Micro PPKM which had been running for 12 extensions. In conclusion, the Micro PPKM policy still opens space for community interaction outside the home and has the potential to transmit COVID-19.
Meanwhile, the lockdown ensures that people's activities are locked or not allowed to leave the house for a specified period. Thus, the transmission of the COVID-19 virus can be controlled.
"So, I think that lockdown and Micro PPKM are not the same. Try a new alternative program, if you still use Micro PPKM, I'm not sure the results will be maximal," said Saleh, Thursday, June 24.
Saleh asked the government to evaluate and look for alternative policies for handling COVID-19 other than Micro PPKM. This is because this policy has been repeated many times but there are still many violations.
"The government has implemented this PPKM long ago, and it has been in volumes until the last volume. This is the 12th volume if I'm not mistaken, but the results are still not optimal," he said.
Saleh also encouraged the government to evaluate the current COVID-19 handling program. Whether, has an impact on public health or not.
"In my opinion, micro and macro now must be evaluated, because at this time the spread of the COVID-19 virus is not actually going down but still increasing, and the escalation is very high," said Saleh.
PDIP: Jokowi Has Considered Micro PPKMMember of Commission IX of the DPR from the PDIP Faction, Rahmad Handoyo, assessed that President Joko Widodo's decision to continue implementing the implementation of micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) was the right one. Although, many parties are effective in the effectiveness of the policy and insist on a lockdown or lockdown to control the increase in the spread of COVID-19.
"Why not? The president must have thought about and considered why he decided to decide on micro-scale PPKM in the midst of the COVID-19 surge," Rahmad told reporters, Thursday, June 24.
According to Rahmad, the essence of PPKM and other terms such as PSBB and lockdown are the same. Namely, as an effort to control the pandemic well. The most important thing is how all elements of the nation can apply the rules by obeying and strict health protocols.
"Whatever is decided, the main factor of success is in its implementation and enforcement, not the method and the decision. But once again the implementation and enforcement of the rules is the most important thing," said the PDIP politician.
Rahmad said, Indonesia does not need to be 'talky' about equating the rules with other countries. Because, of course, President Jokowi has decided according to the characteristics of sociology in the country.
"So stop contradicting and debating between micro-scale and regional quarantine or lockdown. Stop right now! Focus on thinking about steps and actions to fight to run, earth and enforce micro-scale PPKM rules," said Rahmad affirmed.