Civilians Reportedly Shot Dead By OTK In Yahukimo Papua

JAYAPURA - The commander of Kodim 1715 Yahukimo Lt. Col. Inf. Christian Irreuw said that there were reports of civilians being victims of shootings and mistreatment by an unknown group of people (OTK). The persecution took place around Kali Wit, Pingki Village, Yahukimo Regency, Papua.

The Dandim said that one of the victims was the Pingki Tribe Chief, Obaja while the other four were employees of PT Papua Crenoma.

"It is true that there were reports of incidents of assault on workers who were building a bridge in Pingki Village," said Dandim Yahukimo, Lieutenant Colonel Christian Irreuw, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 24.

The Dandim admitted that he had not been able to go to the crime scene because the location was far from Dekai, the capital of Yahukimo Regency. However, Friday, June 25, a joint TNI-Polri team is scheduled to go to the scene to evacuate victims.

"Friday (6/25), the joint TNI-Polri team to the TKP was only able to find out with certainty the incident and at the same time evacuate the victims," said Lt. Col. Inf. Irreuw.

Prior to the incident of the attack on the workers, the dum truck vehicle number DS-9655-MA belonging to the company was shot and hit the lower right front in the Pingki village so that the driver immediately turned around to the Kali Kuk Km 47+600 camp.