Bobby Nasution Claims The North Sumatra Provincial Government Revenue Sharing Fund

MEDAN - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, and the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi, are involved in another polemic. This time, the polemic related to the process of paying tax money from the North Sumatra Provincial Government Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH).

It is known, Bobby Nasution asked the North Sumatra Provincial Government to pay the 2021 Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) every month. This was conveyed by Bobby to several journalists, Wednesday, June 23.

Bobby Nasution previously mentioned that the North Sumatra Provincial Government had not paid the 2020 DBH to the Medan City Government. Although Bobby later admitted that the 2020 Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) had been paid in May 2021.

Regarding the 2021 Audit Board of Indonesia payment, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy, asked Mayor Bobby Nasution not to use journalists.

"That's why, if that's the case, it's better not to use journalists. If you use journalists, you will misunderstand", said Governor Edy, Thursday, June 24.

According to Edy, the distribution of the Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) is carried out by the North Sumatra Provincial Government every quarter. Governor Edy said that problems often arise in the fourth quarter.

"Once he enters at the end of the quarter, it's a year change. The year change in taxation work doesn't come immediately, yes, it's time, it's not. There are processes for implementing supervision in taxation", he explained.

"There is a tax office, there is a BPK (The Audit Board of Indonesia), so it is not resolved at the quarter end of the year", said Edy.

Gubsu Edy emphasized that since he was governor, the North Sumatra Provincial Government has never owed Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) to districts/cities.

"Where have you ever been, since I was North Sumatra, I was even governor, there were almost IDR 2 trillion that was not paid. No-fuss because people still pay, I have to pay", he explained.

Even if there is a delay, Governor Edy assured that it is only part of the process. In distributing Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH), Governor Edy ensured that his party was very careful.

"Then the payment is wrong, don't be careful, this tax will be noisy. What is certain is not, it hasn't been paid yet and continues to be used by the province, oh no, this is in the process", he explained.

Previously, the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, asked the North Sumatra Provincial Government to pay the 2021 Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) every month. Bobby revealed that the North Sumatra Provincial Government has not paid at all to the Medan City Government.

"For 2021, from January to May it has not been paid", he said.

Bobby said Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) from the North Sumatra Provincial Government really helped the Medan City Government to run the program.

"The sooner the money comes to us, we can budget it. The money has already been budgeted, this is a projection for 2021 of IDR 407 billion, this has been posted for anything", he said.

"If it is paid for in 2022, this should not be done, it means that there are activities that we cannot accommodate", continued Bobby Nasution.