ITE Law Guidelines Signed, Government Will Create Pocket Book

JAKARTA - The government will prepare a pocket book containing Guidelines for Criteria for the Implementation of the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (UU ITE) for law enforcement officers. This book will be a way to socialize the guidelines.

"The SKB will be put in a pocket book to make it easier for law enforcement officers to carry, read, and study," said Head of the ITE Law Study Team Sugeng Purnomo in a press conference broadcast online, Thursday, June 24.

In addition, this pocket book, which was worked on by a team from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) can be a guide for them. It is hoped that the book containing this guide will further close the gap between multiple interpretations in the implementation of the ITE Law.

"It is hoped that the stages, including the socialization that we will do to law enforcement officials, can close the gap for multiple interpretations in its implementation," he said.

Furthermore, in the future, socialization will also be carried out with virtual options. Later, said Sugeng, his party will make the schedule.

There is also a reason the socialization is carried out virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic and currently the increase in cases continues to occur.

"In the current situation, there are several options. For example, we will do it virtually and then we will see the situation," he said.

As previously reported, the Guidelines for the Criteria for the Implementation of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE) have been signed. With this guideline, it is hoped that law enforcement related to the law will no longer have multiple interpretations and guarantee a sense of justice for the community while waiting for the revised draft to be included in the 2021 Priority Prolegnas.

The signing was carried out by the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, and Attorney General ST Burhanuddin today or Wednesday, June 23 with a closed agenda.

"While waiting for a limited revision, the implementation guidelines signed by three ministers and one head of a ministerial-level institution can run and can provide maximum protection to the public," said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD in a written statement, Wednesday. , June 22.

Mahfud, who witnessed the signing, said that this implementation guideline had absorbed the aspirations of the people from the discussions that had been held previously.

"This (guideline, ed) was made after hearing from relevant officials, from the police, the Attorney General's Office, Kominfo, the community, NGOs, campuses, victims, reported parties, reporters, and so on, all of which have been discussed, this is the result," said the former chairman. the Constitutional Court (MK).

In principle, continued Mahfud, this guideline responds to the voices of the people who often mention that the ITE Law often takes victims because it contains rubber articles and causes criminalization as well as discrimination.

"Earlier, the four of us, I was the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, the Minister of Communication and Information, then the Attorney General, then the National Police Chief, following up on the decision of the internal cabinet meeting on June 8, 2021 yesterday, which decided on: one, the plan for a limited revision of the ITE Law, then the second regarding guidelines for implementing several articles of the Law ITE, articles 27, 28, 29, 36," said Mahfud.