COVID-19 Cases Crawling Up In Bali, Governor Of Koster Tightens Prokes To Random Tests

DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster said there was an increase in new cases of COVID-19.

Koster explained that from May 14 to June 18, the addition of new cases remained at double digits. The cure rate has reached 96 percent and the death rate

continues to decline below 5 people per day.

"And active cases continued to decline until they reached below 400 people or below 1 percent," said Koster in his written statement, in Denpasar, Bali, Thursday, June 24.

However, from June 19 to June 23 there was an increase in new cases. On June 19 there were 155 new cases, on June 20 there were 106 new cases.

As of June 21, there were 91 new cases. The number rose to 127 cases on June 22. Meanwhile, as of June 23, there were 187 new cases.

Cumulatively, the number of active cases increased to 919 people or 1.89 percent. However, the recovery rate is still maintained at a fairly high number, reaching 94.95 percent and the number of deaths remains low, less than 5 people per day.

"Almost all of the patients who died were accompanied by congenital diseases such as hypertension, heart, lung, and diabetes complications," he added.

Koster issued a policy of tightening health protocols in residential areas, public places and tourist sites. The Bali Provincial Government through the relevant agencies also conducted a check antigen test at a number of locations.

In addition, the Bali Provincial Government is increasing tracing, testing, and treatment, tightening requirements for Domestic Travelers (PPDN) through air, land and sea transportation to Bali.

"Airplane passengers and ferry ports to Bali must ensure that they use a negative rapid test antigen certificate, and a PCR-based swab with a QR Code to ensure they are not fake," explained Koster.

The Bali Provincial Government and related parties have also prepared centralized quarantine sites in provinces and regencies and cities.