8 Madurese Exposed To COVID-19 Delta Variant At RSLI Heal

SURABAYA - Eight patients of the delta variant COVID-19 who were treated at the Indrapura Field Hospital (RSLI) Surabaya recovered. The patient from Madura was confirmed to have recovered after undergoing two PCR Swab tests.

The person in charge of the RSLI, First Admiral of the Indonesian Armed Forces, I Dewa Gede Nalendra Djaya Iswara, said all confirmed patients had been treated well. They were declared cured and could go home by the Patient Responsible Doctor (DPJP).

"They have undergone treatment for more than 10 days and with twice negative PCR swabs they are declared cured," said Nalendra, in Surabaya, Thursday, June 24.

Regarding the patient's return, Nalendra said, two patients went home after 14 days of treatment, while the others went home after 15 and 16 days of care and treatment at the RSLI. However, all patients are still required to self-isolate at home for 3-5 days.

"The goal is to ensure that his condition is good, that there are no further symptoms that appear and the condition of the body is recovering," he said.

While undergoing additional self-isolation, said Nalendra, they were monitored by the puskesmas and the local Health Service (Dinkes). Not only that, they also received assistance from PPKPC-RSLI Volunteers, to help overcome non-medical problems after returning home.

"The public does not need to be too afraid of the new variant, however, they must continue to carry out health protocols strictly, properly and correctly," he said.

Facing the current conditions, said Nalendra, people need to change their clean and healthy behavior, with the new 5M habits that the government must emphasize. "All levels of society are expected to work hand in hand to overcome this condition, remain calm and not panic in observing the existing situation," said Nalendra.