5 Factors That Cause HP Battery Runs Out Fast Cepat

JAKARTA - Since mobile phones were first developed to become smartphones, the issue of battery consumption has always been a concern of many people. Starting from the manufacturers, who are always looking for ways to deal with HP batteries running out quickly, to users.

Especially at this time, when almost all human activities can be done via mobile phones. The need for HP with a large battery capacity is even higher. And these needs are well accommodated by smartphone OEMs in Indonesia.

But, even though there are already many choices of cellphones with large capacity batteries, it turns out that the problem of wasteful batteries is not immediately solved. Therefore, you also need to try yourself to overcome this.

So, before you run how to prevent the battery from being wasteful, it's better to first identify the cause of the HP battery running out quickly. And this time, the VOI team has compiled from various sources several causes that you must note.

Background Apps

What is meant by background apps is the type of application that always runs even though you don't open it on the page. Usually, it is this type of application that most often makes the HP battery wasteful. The reason is, background applications will consume power continuously.

To fix this, just set the update time to be less frequent. An example is the weather application. If in the previous settings this application is always updated once an hour, it can be changed to once every four or five hours.


Maybe you don't think, the type of application that you think can make you save power because its function is to adjust brightness automatically, it turns out to be one of the applications that requires the most power. In addition, there are also smartphone users who are too lazy to adjust the brightness from the settings.

So, instead of having the convenience of being overshadowed by the battery running out and being disconnected from communication, it's better to set it manually. After all, it doesn't take a lot of time in a complicated way. Just open the settings page, then look for the brightness or brightness settings menu.

Google Play Services

Without you knowing it, there are several Google applications that are the source of smartphone battery problems so wasteful. Darling a thousand dear, even if the problem is unraveled, it is difficult to solve it. The reason is, you can't just uninstall one of the default Google applications. Can make HP run abnormally!

However, there is a way to deal with it. Just open the Settings app, select Apps, All, then enter the Google Play Services menu. Then, tap the Clear Cache menu. It doesn't help right away. But at least you can make Google's default applications so they don't eat too much power, like before.

Broken Charger

Not all problems that result in the HP battery running out quickly are caused by errors in the smartphone management system. There is one problem that actually comes from outside, namely the Charger problem.

Yes, without you knowing it, the charger can also be the answer to the question why the HP battery runs out quickly. A charger that has been damaged or whose function is not optimal can actually affect the performance and quality of the smartphone, you know. And if you use it for a long time, the results are very detrimental.

Apps that Waste Battery

Besides Google, there are other types of applications that require a lot of power. And to find out the power consumption of each application, you can check the Settings.

Select the Battery menu in settings. Then, the smartphone will also display, what applications make the HP battery wasteful.

And if you want a more detailed report, use a third-party app like GSam Battery Monitor. At least, you will know the reason behind the wasteful smartphone battery you are using.

If you are experiencing a condition where the HP battery runs out quickly, there is no need to panic and worry. Try to identify the cause first, then you will get a solution.